RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para ransack La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ransack

ransack_wrap 0.2.0

Model-wrappers to customize ransack search

13.329 Descargas

ez-resources 0.2.4

Easy resources engine for Rails app.

13.244 Descargas

active_administration 0.0.3

Active Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...

12.640 Descargas

comable-backend 0.7.1

Provide backend functions for Comable.

12.432 Descargas

surikat 0.3.2

Surikat is a web framework that revolves around GraphQL, offering a lot of ready-made f...

11.225 Descargas

blacksand 2.5.0

CMS base on Rails Engin.

10.795 Descargas

activeadmin-rb 1.6.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

9.503 Descargas

upnxt-ransack 0.0.4

Upnxt wrapper for Ransack.

9.494 Descargas

gearhead 0.4.2

Description of Gearhead.

9.116 Descargas

activeadministration 0.0.2

Active Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...

8.771 Descargas

crypt_keeper_with_ransack 0.0.4

add ransacker for crypted attributes

8.667 Descargas

knowledge_base 0.2.0

Knowledge Base is a bunch of models for Ruby on Rails that you probably need to build y...

8.555 Descargas

cdx 0.0.4

Cdx is a ready to use admin panel with embedded components.

8.295 Descargas

lato_view 1.1.5

Lato module for view elements

8.176 Descargas

rails_backend 0.0.1

A customizable backend admin system for Ruby on Rails.

7.865 Descargas

aa-rails4 0.6.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

7.856 Descargas

api_maker 0.0.3

A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo...

7.820 Descargas

kylekthompson_shoppe 1.1.0

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

7.684 Descargas

activeadmin-orac 1.0.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

6.860 Descargas

upnxt_ransack 1.6.6.patch3

Ransack patch wrapper for Upnxt.

6.562 Descargas

mechanize-store 0.0.2

With mechanize store you already have implemented Product, ProductPhoto, ProductCategor...

6.436 Descargas

upmin 0.0.343

Customizable admin dashbaords generated with only a few lines of code.

6.275 Descargas

doc_log 0.0.3

Sync and view your DocRaptor log files locally. Prevents having to give out your login...

6.271 Descargas

dunlop 0.1.0

Organize business processes, do data analysis and guard your goals

5.959 Descargas

rails_jquery_mobile_paginate 0.0.2

Heavily inspired from will_paginate but for jQuery Mobile.

5.933 Descargas

material_admin 0.0.2

Description of MaterialAdmin.

5.800 Descargas

doc_contract 0.2.0

This is a mountable rails engine to create nice and easy contracts based on pandoc (whi...

5.222 Descargas


Better than scaffolds

5.071 Descargas

right 0.7.2

Mighty resource fetchers build on top of Ransack gem

4.807 Descargas

reduced_fat_crm 0.14.0

An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform

4.271 Descargas

Total de descargas 79.432.548

Para esta versión 331.282

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
