right_amqp 0.7.0
RightAMQP provides a high availability client for interfacing with the RightScale RabbitMQ broker using the AMQP protocol. The AMQP version on which this gem is based is 0.6.7 but beyond that it contains a number of bug fixes and enhancements including reconnect, message return, heartbeat, and UTF-8 support. The high availability is achieved by maintaining multiple broker connections such that failed connections automatically reconnect and only connected brokers are used when routing a message. Although the HABrokerClient class is the intended primary means for accessing RabbitMQ services with this gem, alternatively the underlying AMQP services may be used directly.
Runtime afhankelijkheden (2):
< 2.0, >= 0.12.10
< 3.0, >= 1.2