agent-s 0.0.3
Allows users to interact with the Energy Transition Model ( through the t...
7,146 ダウンロード数
agent_smith 0.0.5
A simple gem to fetch provisioning profiles from a git repository and install them
19,958 ダウンロード数
agent_user 1.1.1
19,142 ダウンロード数
agentx 0.0.2
A tool for doing things on the Internet.
3,562 ダウンロード数
agent_xmpp 0.1.3
Agent XMPP is a ruby XMPP bot framework inspired by web frameworks.
21,635 ダウンロード数
agent_zmq 0.5.0
Acceptance test framework for ZeroMQ applications. Includes some cucumber helpers.
5,046 ダウンロード数
agery 2.0.0
Integer extensions for generating arrays of ages.
16,463 ダウンロード数
age_validator 0.1.0
Validate age from a date field in Active Record.
3,791 ダウンロード数
ageweke-rspec 1.2.9
Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
6,786 ダウンロード数
aggcat 1.0.1
Aggcat wraps Intuit's Customer Account Data API in a simple client
201,255 ダウンロード数
Advanced docker and consul control scripts
203,990 ダウンロード数
agglomerative_clustering 0.0.5
Ruby Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm
17,391 ダウンロード数
aggravatar 1.0.0
You give it an email, it gives you a Gravatar URL. What more do you want?
10,990 ダウンロード数
aggregate 0.2.4
Aggregate is a Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics and includes histogram ...
6,368,297 ダウンロード数
aggregate_afurmanov 0.2.3
Aggregate is a Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics and includes histogram ...
12,697 ダウンロード数
aggregate_assertions 0.2.0
Aggregate Minitest assertions
67,756 ダウンロード数
aggregate_columns 1.0.0
Create and use aggregate columns in Rails applications
52,055 ダウンロード数
aggregate_root 2.15.0
Event sourced aggregate root implementation for RubyEventStore
6,830,395 ダウンロード数
aggregates 0.3.0
A ruby gem for writing CQRS applications
3,953 ダウンロード数
Combine messages from multiple Eventide streams into an aggregate stream
11,019 ダウンロード数
aggregator 1.0.0
Define aggregators that run on a separate thread so that you can do more, faster.
5,212 ダウンロード数
aggregator-gem 0.1.9
Cut media coupon aggregator
26,650 ダウンロード数
aggregit_gitlab 0.0.1
A GitLab API client gem for use in Aggregit
3,011 ダウンロード数
aggressive_normalization_jp 0.1.0
Converts uncommon characters to common characters or replaces them with empty characters.
651 ダウンロード数
ag-grid-community-rails provides the ag-grid-community plugin as a Rails engine to use ...
2,029 ダウンロード数
aggro 0.0.4
Distributed in-memory event-store.
13,480 ダウンロード数
aggrobot 0.1.0
Easy and performant aggregation for rails
11,769 ダウンロード数
aggtive_record 0.2.5
This is not even remotely finished or even started on. Please don't download.
31,925 ダウンロード数
agi 0.0.1
This is a fork of ruby-agi version 1.1.2 by Mohammad Khan.
4,937 ダウンロード数
agi_active_model_serializers 0.10.9
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
7,607 ダウンロード数