active_emoji 0.0.2
A collection of emoji aliases for core Ruby methods. Makes Ruby code easier to read and...
8,109 下載
active_encode 1.2.3
This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...
250,506 下載
active-encode 0.0.1
This gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...
4,226 下載
active_encryption 0.1.0
ActiveEncryption transparently encrypt (and decrypt!) attributes with ActiveSupport:...
3,047 下載
active_endpoint 0.2.0
Description of ActiveEndpoint.
3,244 下載
active_enquo 0.5.1
ActiveRecord integration for encrypted querying operations
3,682 下載
activeentity 6.3.0
Rails virtual model solution based on ActiveModel design for Rails 6+.
52,512 下載
active_entity 0.2.2
An extension for Active Model to encourage implementing entity.
17,442 下載
active_entry 2.0.1
An easy and flexible access control system. Authentication and authorization before a m...
14,411 下載
active_enum 1.2.1
Define enum classes in Rails and use them to enumerate ActiveRecord attributes
576,210 下載
active_enumerable 1.1.0
Provides ActiveRecord like query methods for use in Ruby Enumerable collections. Use Ha...
16,001 下載
active_enumeration 0.0.6
A simpler way to create more complex Ruby enumerations, with ActiveRecord like syntax a...
8,470 下載
activeerror 2.0.0
Rails exception logger
5,214 下載
active_error 1.0.1
Create an exception has never been easier in Ruby!
7,198 下載
active_errors 1.0.1
Generate and access ActiveModel::Errors like error messages.
4,462 下載
active-es 0.1.1
I will write this section when I finish creating this gem.
4,468 下載
active_esp 0.1.0.alpha4
Framework and tools for managing email service providers.
10,610 下載
activeetl 0.1.0
A new generation of production ready ETL in Ruby.
2,966 下載
active_etl 0.1.0
Add simple ETL operations to your Rails app!
695 下載
activeevent 0.0.0.pre
2,518 下載
active_event 0.5.3
Contains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco. Commands are used to trans...
58,164 下載
active_events 0.0.1
Attaches configurable bunny events to create, update and destroy callbacks in active re...
4,086 下載
active_event_store 1.2.1
Wrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration
74,876 下載
active_excel 0.1.0
This is a gem which allows you to build ActiveRecord objects from an Excel file with va...
2,495 下載
ActiveExcel 0.0.1
Excel as the container of model objects
11,265 下載
active_exchange 1.0.0
Foreign Exchange for your Rails app.
74,953 下載
activeexperiment 0.1.1.alpha
Declare experiments using classes that can be run in different layers of an application.
841 下載
active_explorer 0.0.9
Visualization of data and associations represented by Active Record.
9,239 下載
activeexport 0.1.1
Export your Ruby Object
3,824 下載
active_export 0.4.0
Export to CSV/YAML/XML from ActiveRecord collections.
33,659 下載