RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 actionview

mtl 1.1.10

Reusable components and Rails helpers on top of materialize-css and material-design-icons.

24,718 下載

eu_cookies 1.1.2

A Rails solution to the European Cookie Law issue

24,705 下載

foundation_form_builder 1.1.0

Rails FormBuilder for use with ZURB Foundation.

24,221 下載

logjoy 1.0.0

Alternative set of LogSubscriber classes for Rails for more structured JSON logs

24,011 下載

carrierwave-cloudflare 0.5.0

Wrapper for cloudflare transforming images

23,937 下載

greenhat 0.7.4

Experimental SOS and Log Parser for GitLab

23,574 下載

we_bridge-auto_view_helper 0.0.10

helper used in we-bridge

23,414 下載

sprockets-vue 0.1.0

A Sprockets transformer that converts .vue file into js object.

22,514 下載

smart_navigation 0.2.3

View helpers for navigation menus. Build navigation menus from hash objects.

22,513 下載

yanapiri 0.5.0

Ayudante para administrar entregas via GitHub Classroom.

22,383 下載

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22,285 下載

flash-messenger 0.2.2

Integrate with flash-messenger to provide a simple flash messages.

22,258 下載

pushing 0.2.0

Pushing is like ActionMailer, but for sending push notifications.

22,155 下載

rocket_navigation 0.3.3

Currently alpha qualiy, use at your own risk.

21,778 下載

order2cb 0.0.11

Basic WIP.

21,317 下載

smart_pagination 0.4.0

View helpers for SmartPaginate. A simple, smart and clean pagination extension for Acti...

21,242 下載

openproject-octicons_helper 19.14.1

A rails helper that makes including svg Octicons simple.

20,807 下載

metazilla 1.5.0

Simple metatags and page titles for Rails.

20,592 下載

universalid 0.1.7

Universal ID opens the flood gates with a deluge of profoundly powerful yet easily impl...

20,446 下載

dekorator 1.5.0

An opinionated way of organizing model-view code in Ruby on Rails, based on decorators

20,089 下載

ransacker_translator 0.1.4

expand search by ransack

20,007 下載

sortabl 0.5.2

Check github repository for more in-depth information.

19,898 下載

translighterate 0.3.0

For example, highlighting 'duss' in 'Düsseldorf' will actually match something.

19,866 下載

fun_emoji 2.2.0

We can use methods to get the Emoji instead of using unreadable unicode starting with &#

19,830 下載

erb_component 0.2.1

React-style front-end components but for ERB?

19,587 下載

solidus_core_devise_token_auth 2.8.0.alpha.14

Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project (devise_token...

19,504 下載

tel_link_rails 0.0.3

Rails telephone link helper

19,502 下載

github_bus_factor 0.1.9

Provides few more parameters to estimate quality of the GitHub project besides stars.

19,501 下載

docker-stack 0.2.8

Support code and rake tasks for running Rails on top of Dockerized services.

19,138 下載

actionview-rev_manifest 0.2.2

Let Rails load rev-manifest.json generated by gulp-rev

18,842 下載

總下載次數 496,077,180

這個版本 1,032,239



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
