RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 actionview

logged 0.3.0

Better logging for rails

18,795 下載

easy_html_generator 1.0.6

This gem is a powerful and easy to use web development tool that helps developing moder...

18,044 下載

aws-inventory 0.4.5

Tool to inventory AWS account

17,970 下載

easy_html_creator 1.3.2

Easy_html_creator is a gem that makes developing static HTML websites easy and joyful. ...

17,323 下載

augit 0.0.6

Clean up your git branches

17,211 下載

napa_pagination 0.0.6

A simple pagination representer for Napa

17,058 下載

country_flags 0.1.4

Gemified collection of country flags. See homepage for details:

16,674 下載

keepcon 0.2.3

Ruby wrapper for the Keepcon XML API

15,833 下載

vue-form-for 0.4.2

This gem has been deprecated and has been replaced by 'vue-rails-form-builder'.See: htt...

15,816 下載

ruby_l10n 0.0.5

A gem that provide L10n functionalities

15,612 下載

fake_password_field 1.2.2

Fix autofilling password fields in Safari.

15,472 下載

mutator_rails 0.1.17

Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code

15,138 下載

rubocop-shakr 0.6.0

Code style checking for Shakr Ruby repositories

15,040 下載

kf5 0.4.0

A simple presenter pattern for ruby. It can work in rails.

14,760 下載

actionview-helpers-auto_tag_helper 0.1.3

Helper for generate input tags automatically by detect column info

14,682 下載

admini 1.0.0

A minimal administration framework for Ruby on Rails application.

14,466 下載

solid_errors 0.4.3

Database-backed Rails error subscriber

14,388 下載

circle_orbit 0.2.0

This gem brings in Circle activities to your Orbit workspace

14,088 下載

caperoma 5.0.0

Caperoma automates many decisions related to the programming that you often don't reali...

13,867 下載

simple-admin 1.1.2


13,743 下載

action_messenger 0.1.4

delivering messages to Messenger (ex. slack) using the familiar controller/view pattern.

13,677 下載

we_bridge-html_builder 0.1.7

html builder used in we-bridge

13,563 下載

actionview-pathfinder 0.1.0

Outputs html comment with file path to partials in views

13,488 下載

simple_attribute 0.1.7

Attribute decorator support for ActiveRecord models.

13,386 下載

killbill-braintree_blue 0.3.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for BraintreeBlue.

13,118 下載

nivo-rails 1.0.1

Nivo slider with Ruby on Rails

13,098 下載

bub_bot 0.2.7

A little server reservation and deploy bot for heroku and aptible

13,055 下載

zpdf 6.0.0

ZPdf allows to produce PDF content based on ERB templates. It easily integrates into a ...

12,096 下載

usertime-rails 0.1.3

A jQuery plugin provides to display time in user's timezone.

11,958 下載

data_attributes 1.3.1

A gem to provide HTML data attributes from model to view

11,853 下載

總下載次數 496,728,921

這個版本 1,146,051



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
