RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 actionview

jenna_time 0.1.3

A gem to display the distance between two datetimes in a compact string format

7,454 下載

inshape 1.1.0

Computes and evaluates memory usage under JRuby.

7,431 下載

rails-vue-helpers 0.1.4

Rails helpers extension to support Vue.js attributes

7,336 下載

one_bus_away 0.0.4

This is a simple gem to query bus stops,delay times, and additional features. Thisdoes ...

7,284 下載

static_search 0.0.3

Index your Rails app's static content and search it easily

7,246 下載

hiptest-publisher-fork 3.4.15

Provides a command-line tool that generates Java, Python or Ruby code to run the tests.

7,206 下載

zoom_launcher 0.2.0

A command line tool for joining your next Zoom meeting

7,107 下載

neeto-commons-backend 1.0.109

Keeps all the common code of neeto products at one place

6,850 下載

carender 1.0.0

A monthly calendar for Rails application.

6,751 下載

shoelace-rails 0.6.2

The shoelace-rails gem adds useful view helper methods for using Shoalace Web Components.

6,741 下載

kono_utils_helpers 0.1.2

Gem containing all KonoUtils Helpers external of the core

6,726 下載

value_objects 1.0.0

Serializable and validatable value objects for ActiveRecord

6,346 下載

sorry-rails 0.1.3

Display status updates from your Sorry™ status page to your users, and affectively cust...

6,237 下載

datatables_server_side 0.1.1

Simple gem that helps the creation of datatables json responses.

5,980 下載

bluehelmet-utils 0.1.2

HTML Tag View Helpers, and String Core-Extensions.

5,598 下載

form_props 0.0.7

Form props is a Rails form builder that renders form attributes in JSON

5,590 下載

fleek 0.1.2

Fleek automatically injects any updates stylesheets when you change and save a file. Th...

5,532 下載

easel_helpers 0.3.0

Fusionary Rails View Helpers

5,518 下載

triplet 0.2.0

Pure Ruby template language

5,353 下載

google_recaptcha 0.0.2

Description of GoogleRecaptcha.

5,352 下載

nyargl_recaptcha 0.0.2

NyarglRecaptcha is a simple gem for integration Google reCAPTCHA v2.0 to your projects

5,309 下載

llamascii 0.3

Do llamas, add ascii

5,289 下載

faster_rails_partial_lookup 0.1.0

faster_rails_partial_lookup gem

5,221 下載

ijs-rails 0.2.0

Inline JavaScript helper for Ruby on Rails.

5,107 下載

acts_as_tracked 1.0.2

Track activities in your ActiveRecord models.

5,099 下載

actionview-consistent_fallback 0.1.1

This Action View plugin allows you to fallback to the default layout and partials when ...

5,090 下載

crown_marketplace_utils 0.1.0.beta.8

A Gem containing shared code for the CCS Crown Marketplace projects, for example view h...

5,077 下載

liquid_markdown 0.2.2

Combines Liquid and Markdown templating for safe customer-editable pages and emails. Al...

5,016 下載

timeline_rails 0.1.1

Allows you to build a customizable vertical timeline very easily.

4,956 下載

jquery-tablesorter-rails-utils 0.2.0

Some helpers to work with jQuery tablesorter and Ruby on Rails.

4,861 下載

總下載次數 497,845,822

這個版本 1,336,365



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
