Dependencias inversas para activejob La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren activejob
shinq 1.3.0
Worker and enqueuer for Q4M using the interface of ActiveJob.
112.682 Descargas
api_me 0.14.1
This friendly library gives you helpers and generators to assist building RESTful API's...
109.335 Descargas
lev 13.0.0
Ride the rails but don't touch them.
109.108 Descargas
queue_classic_plus 1.1.0
Useful extras for Queue Classic
106.284 Descargas
dronejob 3.0.1
Scalable worker factory for ruby
96.587 Descargas
activejob-google_cloud_tasks-http 0.3.0
ActiveJob adapter for Google Cloud Tasks HTTP targets.
96.049 Descargas
webhook_system 2.4.1
A pluggable webhook subscription system
92.022 Descargas
advanced-sneakers-activejob 0.6.0
Advanced Sneakers adapter for ActiveJob
89.463 Descargas
audited-activejob 0.0.5
Pass a user through to your active_jobs and associate it with any generated audits
89.404 Descargas
hekenga 2.0.0
Sophisticated migration framework for mongoid, with the ability to parallelise via Acti...
88.488 Descargas
funktor 0.7.30
Background processing in AWS Lambda.
83.867 Descargas
workhorse 1.2.24
Multi-threaded job backend with database queuing for ruby.
75.039 Descargas
barbeque_client 0.11.0
Barbeque client for Ruby
71.724 Descargas
rails_api_logger 0.10.1
Log inbound and outbound API requests in your Rails application
69.470 Descargas
chillout 0.8.9
Chillout gem tracks your ActiveRecord models statistics.
68.492 Descargas
sidekiq_publisher 6.0.0
Publisher for enqueuing jobs to Sidekiq
68.473 Descargas
activejob-lock 0.0.2
Adapt resque-lock with ActiveJob
68.422 Descargas
maia 5.1.0
Manage device tokens and push messaging with Rails and FCM.
65.441 Descargas
wisper-activejob-broadcaster 0.3.1
Broadcast wisper events into activejob queues
64.561 Descargas
active_interaction-active_job 0.3.2
Add ActiveJob support to ActiveInteraction gem
60.898 Descargas
scout_apm-sampling 2.0.0
Providing an out-of-the-box sampling feature to scout_apm gem
59.540 Descargas
zaikio-jwt_auth 2.8.1
JWT-Based authentication and authorization with Zaikio.
59.304 Descargas
activejob-dispatch_rider 2.4.1
'ActiveJob::DispatchRider' adds `DispatchRider` support for `ActiveJob`.
59.136 Descargas
readymade 0.4.1
Set of base classes for ABDI architecture
56.766 Descargas
lanes 0.8.3
Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
56.594 Descargas
lambdakiq 2.3.0
Scalable Rails Background Processing with AWS Lambda & SQS.
54.923 Descargas
litestream 0.12.0
Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.
51.897 Descargas
litestream 0.12.0
Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.
51.897 Descargas
litestream 0.12.0
Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.
51.897 Descargas
litestream 0.12.0
Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.
51.897 Descargas