RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour appraisal Latest version of the following gems require appraisal

activerecord-mysql-reconnect 0.5.0

It is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.

1 969 187 Téléchargements

rspec-cells 0.3.9

Use render_cell in your specs.

1 956 904 Téléchargements

jp_prefecture 1.1.1

Convert japan prefecture code (JIS X 0402 based) into prefecture name.

1 920 247 Téléchargements

sanitize_email 2.0.7

Email Condom for your Ruby Server. In Rails, Sinatra, et al, or simply the mail gem: Ai...

1 908 915 Téléchargements

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

1 794 138 Téléchargements

paperclip_database 3.1.0

To have all your data in one place: the database

1 783 642 Téléchargements

state_machines-audit_trail 2.1.0

Log transitions on a state_machines to support auditing and business process analytics.

1 751 940 Téléchargements

ar_lazy_preload 2.1.0

lazy_preload implementation for ActiveRecord models

1 741 447 Téléchargements

unread 0.13.1

This gem creates a scope for unread objects and adds methods to mark objects as read

1 697 865 Téléchargements

validates_lengths_from_database 0.8.0

Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...

1 695 236 Téléchargements

flutie 2.2.0

Flutie is a starting point for personal discovery

1 671 525 Téléchargements

activerecord-mysql-index-hint 0.0.4

MySQL index hint support for ActiveRecord

1 609 078 Téléchargements

olive_branch 4.0.1

Handle camel/snake/dash case conversion

1 603 782 Téléchargements

lhm-shopify 4.2.2

Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...

1 598 038 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-racecar 0.3.3

Racecar instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

1 577 534 Téléchargements

comma 4.8.0

Ruby Comma Seperated Values generation library

1 564 125 Téléchargements

fresh_connection 3.1.2

1 555 311 Téléchargements

crypt_keeper 2.3.0

Transparent ActiveRecord encryption

1 548 893 Téléchargements

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1 515 760 Téléchargements

sidekiq-worker-killer 1.1.0

Sidekiq worker killer

1 474 151 Téléchargements

switch_point 0.9.0

Switching database connection between readonly one and writable one.

1 430 234 Téléchargements

resque_solo 0.5.0

Resque plugin to add unique jobs

1 412 236 Téléchargements

csvlint 1.4.0

CSV Validator

1 349 132 Téléchargements

transitions 1.3.0

Lightweight state machine extracted from ActiveModel

1 331 790 Téléchargements

google-authenticator-rails 3.4.3

Add the ability to use the Google Authenticator with ActiveRecord.

1 329 268 Téléchargements

rambulance 3.1.0

Rambulance provides a simple and safe way to dynamically generate error pages.

1 315 968 Téléchargements

paper_trail-globalid 0.2.0

An extension to paper_trail, using this you can fetch actual object who was responsible...

1 270 950 Téléchargements

active_record-acts_as 5.2.0

Simulate multi-table inheritance for activerecord models using a polymorphic association

1 267 428 Téléchargements

modis 4.2.0

ActiveModel + Redis

1 266 443 Téléchargements

trix-rails 2.4.0

A rich text editor for everyday writing

1 247 141 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 7 908 339

Pour cette version 1 245 471



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3.0
