RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for appraisal Latest version of the following gems require appraisal

invisible_captcha 2.3.0

Unobtrusive, flexible and complete spam protection for Rails applications using honeypo...

25,017,164 下載

ancestry 4.3.3

Ancestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organized in a tree structu...

24,862,046 下載

view_component 3.12.1

A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on R...

23,745,140 下載

default_value_for 3.4.0

The default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...

22,652,616 下載

audited 5.6.0

Log all changes to your models

22,641,831 下載

data_migrate 9.4.0

Rake tasks to migrate data alongside schema changes.

21,516,083 下載

remotipart 1.4.4

Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uplo...

21,249,763 下載

cose 1.3.0

Ruby implementation of RFC 8152 CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)

21,121,252 下載

after_commit_everywhere 1.4.0

Brings before_commit, after_commit, and after_rollback transactional callbacks outside ...

20,631,254 下載

pact-support 1.20.0

Shared code for Pact gems

20,136,448 下載

logstash-logger 0.26.1

Ruby logger that writes directly to LogStash

19,897,086 下載

awesome_nested_set 3.6.0

An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record

18,954,802 下載

state_machine 1.2.0

Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class

18,716,120 下載

asset_sync 2.19.1

After you run assets:precompile your compiled assets will be synchronised with your S3 ...

18,320,083 下載

less-rails 5.0.0

The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline. Allows other gems to exte...

18,199,246 下載

exception_notification 4.5.0

Exception notification for Rails apps

17,777,776 下載

activerecord-nulldb-adapter 1.0.1

A database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enab...

17,076,955 下載

rolify 6.0.1

Very simple Roles library without any authorization enforcement supporting scope on res...

16,573,007 下載

db-query-matchers 0.12.0

RSpec matchers for database queries

16,300,094 下載

rgeo-activerecord 7.0.1

RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...

16,100,871 下載

sidekiq-status 3.0.3

An extension to the sidekiq message processing to track your jobs

15,752,774 下載

with_advisory_lock 5.1.0

Advisory locking for ActiveRecord

14,939,340 下載

meta-tags 2.21.0

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.

13,317,467 下載

rubocop-thread_safety 0.5.1

Thread-safety checks via static analysis. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enfor...

13,180,192 下載

sidekiq-limit_fetch 4.4.1

Sidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues s...

12,696,321 下載

paper_trail-association_tracking 2.2.1

Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations

12,121,075 下載

prometheus_exporter 2.1.0

Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby

12,119,203 下載

js-routes 2.2.8

Generates javascript file that defines all Rails named routes as javascript helpers

12,095,536 下載

faraday-follow_redirects 0.3.0

Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects.

12,012,419 下載

devise-security 0.18.0

An enterprise security extension for devise.

11,633,057 下載

總下載次數 7,646,796

這個版本 1,039,010



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0
