aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs
jets-fs 1.6.10
Jets is a framework that allows you to create serverless applications with a beautiful ...
2,104 下載
kobanzame 0.0.8
kobanzame collects resources for ecs task.
1,932 下載
rb-fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logs 0.7.1.pre.1
CloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd with memory profiling
1,473 下載
cwlogs_io 0.1.0
IO-like streams for CloudWatch Logs.
1,104 下載
cm-cloudwatchlogger 0.4.0
Logger => CloudWatchLogs
771 下載
jets.benforeva 3.0.17.pre.mount.pre.fix
This is a fix for mounted rack apps. It resets the gem to an inbetween commit between 3...
454 下載
kybus-cli 0.1.0
A CLI tool to help initialize and manage Kybus projects, supporting various database ad...
282 下載
circleci-tools 0.1.0
Collection of CircleCI-related utilities under one gem.
180 下載