bcrypt-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bcrypt-ruby
Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
16,487 下載
fortifier 0.2.4
Different stuff.
15,998 下載
autho 0.0.4
A many-stop shop for authentication.
15,949 下載
vigetlabs-simplest_auth 0.2.2
Simple implementation of authentication for Rails
15,591 下載
seivan-generators 0.5
A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for HTMl 5 boilerplate, useful partials,...
14,502 下載
auto_validate 0.0.4
This gem looks at the schema for any validations that it can easily apply based on know...
14,256 下載
dangerzone 0.5.2
Generates sign-in, sign-out, create account, forgot password, and account confirmation ...
14,152 下載
cz_auth 0.4.2
A Simple has_secure_password implementation
14,122 下載
bolton-cms-padrino 0.2.10
Bolt-on CMS for Padrino
14,056 下載
ish_lib 0.0.8
models, specs of models, and assets for microsites_cluster
13,991 下載
aspartame 0.1.2
See readme for instructions.
13,249 下載
challah-rolls 0.2.0
A Challah plugin for basic roles and permissions in your Rails app.
13,199 下載
devise_authenticator 0.0.3
helps to authenticate against a default devise database
12,560 下載
honey-auth 0.2.0
Very basic auth generator
11,405 下載
blogr 0.0.8
A Rails engine for adding blogging to any Rails 4 application
10,797 下載
rack-couchdb-oauth2 0.3.0
Rack middleware for OAuth2 Provider Server Based on Couchdb
10,781 下載
sinatra-videoman 0.0.3
Sinatra video manager
10,774 下載
deep_thought 0.2.1
Deploy smart, not hard.
10,193 下載
thincloud-auth 0.1.2
Authentication generator for new Thincloud apps.
9,799 下載
hunter2 0.0.3
A CLI-based password manager in Ruby.
9,741 下載
passrock 0.0.8
Client library for Passrock Binary Database
9,617 下載
cargo_wiki 1.0.1
Wiki engine based on Rails 3 engine
9,080 下載
deadbolt 0.1.2
Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin
8,840 下載
deadbolt 0.1.2
Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin
8,840 下載
logman 0.1.0
Logman is Web Console/API for gathering logs from various sources and analyzing them. L...
8,523 下載
devise-jdguyot 1.2.rc3
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
8,295 下載
webget_ruby_password_text 1.2.1
WebGet Ruby Gem: Password text generator for strong web-savvy passwords
8,207 下載
Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
8,104 下載
mongoid-bcrypt-ruby 0.0.2
Useful BCrypt::Password for Mongoid
7,915 下載
islock 0.2.0
orig: Simple engine that can lock down controllers/actions with a password. Useful for...
7,909 下載