RubyGems Navigation menu

bcrypt 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bcrypt

kingsman 0.1.1

Authentication solution for Jets with Warden

1,581 下載

masks 0.4.0

masks is a ruby library and rails engine that adds simple, extensible auth to most appl...

1,439 下載

quorum_sdk 0.3.0

A API wrapper for Quorum

1,314 下載

authentication-logic 0.1.2

An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.

1,207 下載

authtown 0.4.0

Rodauth integration for Bridgetown

1,171 下載

password_auth 1.0.2

The `password_auth` gem provides a simple and secure way to handle password authenticat...

1,157 下載

gatepass 0.1.2

This Rails plugin enables you to authenticate users against the local database as well ...

1,111 下載

rodauth-guest 0.0.1

Provides guest users functionality for Rodauth.

964 下載

auction_fun_core 0.8.10

Practical application of clean architecture in a real business idea using ruby.

922 下載

atkhayar-dev-spree-api 0.0.1

Spree's API

881 下載

shieldify 0.2.9.pre.alpha

Authentication solution for Rails APIs.

874 下載

authlogic-nicho 6.6

An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.

818 下載

mahis_emr_api_lab 1.2.4

This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...

733 下載

booth 0.0.1

In Devise you own controllers, models and views. With Booth you don't own the models (m...

729 下載

rapidauth 0.0.5

This gem is a simple authentication system for Rails 7

699 下載

his_emr_user_management 0.1.1

Description of UserManagement.

528 下載

atkhayar-spree-dev-api 0.0.0

Spree's API

517 下載

active_authentication 0.2.0

A pure Rails authentication solution. Inspired by devise, but with a pure Rails impleme...

505 下載

kybus-nanorecord 0.1.0

Helps to create CRUD objects from a config

501 下載

tena_dcms 0.1.0

Model and Endpoints for TENA DCMS

193 下載

mahis_his_emr_api_lab 1.2.0

This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...

188 下載

總下載次數 282,816,798

這個版本 14,222,554




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
