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bcrypt 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bcrypt

kkt_shoppe 2.0.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

20,766 下載

devbootsrap 0.0.7

devise with bootstrap

20,410 下載

token_auth_box 0.0.13

Description of TokenAuthBox.

20,123 下載

seraph 0.1.2

Looking for an authentication gem that doesn't make any assumptions about your setup? Y...

19,973 下載

customer_service_im 0.15.0

Description of CustomerServiceIm.

18,708 下載

rodauth-omniauth 0.3.4

Rodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication.

18,527 下載

jellyfish_fog_aws 0.3.0

Manage AWS products through Fog on Jellyfish Core API

17,449 下載

game_machine 1.0.4

game server

17,153 下載


A very simple and boring blogging engine for Rails.

16,704 下載

subledger 0.7.13

Subledger client gem

16,404 下載

hippo-fw 0.9.9

Hippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

16,246 下載

jellyfish-aws 0.0.8

Adds AWS S3, EC2, RDS products to Jellyfish

16,100 下載

azure_jwt_auth 0.3.0

Easy way for Ruby applications to authenticate to Azure B2C/AD in order to access prote...

16,097 下載

tiny_auth 3.0.0

Includes utilities for authentication and password resets.

15,501 下載

rfaye 0.5.7

Simple messaging

15,370 下載

cop-detective 0.1.4

A simple gem to use in your controller to remove some of the work of comparing password...

14,907 下載

guacamole 0.4.0

ODM for ArangoDB

14,737 下載

jwt_api_auth 0.0.2

JWT authentication for rails APIs

14,706 下載

actn-db 0.0.4 DB

14,461 下載

passwordping 1.0.3

Ruby library for PasswordPing API

14,359 下載

deal_redemptions 0.0.9

Ruby on Rails Engine to redeem deal site promotions.

14,328 下載

overture 0.2.1

Compilation of tools and configurations that will help you get started with your back-e...

14,246 下載

encrypt_column 1.0.0

Easily encrypt columns in your app conditionally and with hashed values for searching

14,231 下載

red_token_auth 0.5.2

Simple token authentication designed to work with mongoid. This gem simply provides a s...

14,115 下載

balrog 2.0.1

Balrog is a lightweight authorization library for Ruby on Rails that can protect your r...

13,784 下載

hola-leco 0.0.15

A simple hello world gem

13,765 下載



13,671 下載

cyclid-client 0.4.1

Cyclid command line client for interacting with a Cyclid server and the Ruby client lib...

13,625 下載

openopus-core-people 1.1.16

A person can have many email addresses, but this is not usually represented in applicat...

13,550 下載

crypto_yellowme 0.6.0

Crypto is Yellowme's ruby crypto & security utilities gem

13,343 下載

總下載次數 270,547,186

這個版本 9,341,431



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
