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ledger_sync-quickbooks_online 1.0.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

33,646 下載

testdroid-api-client-updated 0.5.1

Ruby client for testdroid api v2

33,553 下載

factorio-mod 0.8.0

Get the info of Factorio's MOD.

32,387 下載

testdroid-api-client 0.6.0

Ruby client for testdroid api v2

31,609 下載

net-ssh-cli 1.9.2

Net::SSH::CLI: A library to handle CLI Sessions. It allows you to write programs that i...

30,420 下載

zss 0.3.4

ZeroMQ SOA Suite

30,107 下載

exchange-offline-address-book 0.0.23

Get Exchange Offline Address Book

29,232 下載

zombie_record 1.8.0

Allows restoring your Active Records from the dead!

29,128 下載

html_to_pdf_conversion 0.4.0

Ruby Library for the pdflayer API, a web service that automates HTML to PDF document co...

29,124 下載

shipwright 1.3.1

CLI Client for implementing the harbor pattern on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

28,115 下載

akero 1.1.1

Easy peer-to-peer public key cryptography

27,933 下載

ar_multi_threaded_transactional_tests 0.6.0

Execute multithreaded code while still using transactional fixtures by synchronizing db...

27,589 下載

restpack_activity_service 0.0.13

RestPack Activity Services

27,093 下載

trop 0.8.6

trop is support

25,803 下載

djvu-tools 0.2.4

Ruby toolbox for manipulating DjVu files.

25,765 下載

brew 0.2.2

Run some basic brew commands from ruby

25,299 下載

gameboard 4.0.0

A clean functional gameboard for CLI games in ruby, that will return and place pieces b...

25,137 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_input 0.21.11

Input plugin to collect Kubernetes metadata

24,976 下載

logger_facade 0.4.1

Simple class library to work as logger facade. This simple logg...

23,740 下載

hacker_term 0.1.0

Read Hacker News on the Terminal

23,128 下載

breezer 0.10.0

Automatically set versions in your Gemfile

23,014 下載

s3rsync 0.1.8

Remote update protocol allows sync files to transfer just the differences between two s...

22,808 下載

yanapiri 0.5.0

Ayudante para administrar entregas via GitHub Classroom.

22,798 下載

beaglebone-rails 0.1.3

A Beaglebone Gem for Rails

22,351 下載

restpack_web 0.4.1

Rack middleware for your RestPack web apps

22,030 下載

branch_raker 0.0.6

Use Branch Raker to maintain a build history for each branch. Originally created for La...

21,930 下載

vmreverter 0.1.4

Revert VM to previous snapshots

21,696 下載

delta_changes 2.5.0

Additional real/virtual attribute change tracking independent of ActiveRecords

21,494 下載

train-awsssm 0.3.1

Train plugin to use the AWS Systems Manager Agent to execute commands on machines witho...

20,281 下載

deribit-api 2.0.2

Idiomatic Ruby library for Deribit API 2.0

20,234 下載

總下載次數 4,622,882

這個版本 1,300,643




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0
