bump 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bump
bitmex-api 0.1.6
Fully-featured, idiomatic Ruby library for BitMEX API
19,807 下載
restpack_core_client 0.2.6
A simple client gem for restpack-core-service
19,634 下載
lita-flowdock 0.3.0
flowdock adapter for lita.io
19,507 下載
yacli 0.3.2
Provide minimal tools for shell commands wrapper scripts
18,985 下載
coloredcoins 0.0.7
Ruby wrapper for coloredcoins.org
18,956 下載
creatable 2.3.1
Mixin adds create, and attribute methods. Use these instead of attr_ and the #create m...
18,938 下載
currencyconversion 0.3.1
Ruby Library for the currencylayer API, Reliable Exchange Rates & Currency Conversi...
18,711 下載
csv2avro 1.3.1
Convert CSV files to Avro like a boss.
18,705 下載
ttl_memoizeable 0.4.0
A sharp knife for cross-thread memoization providing eventual consistency.
18,591 下載
jekyll-theme-white-xmas 0.3.7
Jekyll Theme White XMas
18,458 下載
radar_client_rb 3.2.0
Read/Write Radar Resources from Redis through Ruby
18,404 下載
lita-stackstorm 1.0.0
Stackstorm handler for lita 4+
18,395 下載
refilling_queue 0.1.1
A queue that refreshes itself when it gets empty or stale, so you can keep popping
18,383 下載
lambda_deployment 0.6.0
Lambda Deployment Library
18,070 下載
j1_template 2019.4.12
J1 Template is a gem-based, clean, responsive and fully featured template made for Jeky...
17,980 下載
rails_table_for 0.4.0
Generate HTML tables for ActiveRecord collections, with many customizations available
17,566 下載
resque-serializer 0.2.0
Ensures that only one Resque job with unique arguments is running at a time.
17,438 下載
ropen_pi 0.5.0
Integrates OpenAPI v3 with RSPEC and automates the output of the open api document
17,160 下載
isolated_database_service 0.0.7
A small service that allows you to easily spin up new local mysql/mongo servers for tes...
17,045 下載
capybara_spa 0.6.0
A friendly library for Capybara to make running single page application servers easy as...
16,792 下載
restpack_activity 0.0.8
A client gem to the activity service
16,512 下載
restpack_group_service 0.0.8
Groups, Members and Invitations service
16,461 下載
lazy_images-rails 2.0.1
lazy-images-rails is a rails plugin that augments the standard image_tag helper to prov...
16,324 下載
postgresql-backup 0.0.8
This gem automates PostgreSQL's backup and restore in your Rails project. It will injec...
15,802 下載
app_archetype 1.5.3
Code project template renderer
15,710 下載
insight_bitpay 0.0.9
Ruby SDK for insight.bitpay.com API
15,325 下載
avro2kafka 0.4.1
Publish Avro files to Kafka in JSON format
15,284 下載
pastenum 0.4.1
Search Pastebins for content, fork from nullthreat corelan pastenum2
15,259 下載
shoulda-change_matchers 0.0.5
should_change / should_create / should_destroy matchers for shoulda 3 backported from s...
14,843 下載
action_mailer-enqueable 2.0.0
Serialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers
14,786 下載