bump 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bump
dynamo_secret 0.1.2
Encrypt and decrypt secrets stored in DynamoDB with GPG and/or KMS
5,977 下載
unicorn-soft-timeout 0.2.0
Graceful handling of requests which are reaching the timeout limit to avoid SIGKILL
5,968 下載
dockerci 0.2.0
Read configuration of `config/database.yml`, use that information to launch a circleci ...
5,939 下載
peatio1.9 0.4.7
Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools
5,860 下載
jekyll-waxify 0.1.2
A Jekyll plugin that installs basic minicomp/wax components
5,701 下載
vj 1.0.2
JSON humanizer.
5,665 下載
gene_system 0.6.0
System configuration tool for applying settings
5,664 下載
cryptos 0.0.3
The easiest way to craft your own transactions for multiple crypto currencies
5,554 下載
freezer_burn 0.1.0
rough management of compressed gems
5,479 下載
aga-money 0.0.14
Money Ruby is a lightweight gem for make money with cryptos services.
5,420 下載
screenshot_capture 0.1.2
Ruby Library for the screenshotlayer API, a web service that captures highly customizab...
5,273 下載
fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_v0.14 0.24.1
Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata
5,264 下載
fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_fix 2.2.0.pre.3
Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata
5,192 下載
code_snippet 0.3.0
A code snippet handling tool
4,886 下載
workable-pact-message 0.6.3
Consumer contract library for messages
4,869 下載
docker_distribution 0.1.2
Ruby implementation of OCI Distribution Specification reference
4,774 下載
capistrano3-pipenv 0.2.0
Handle Pipfile nicely in capistrano3.
4,737 下載
commandos 0.1.5
Commandos is a library to help build the series of objects needed for the command desig...
4,528 下載
commandoes-virtus 0.1.1
A plugin for Commandoes
4,526 下載
fi_form 0.0.3
Frontend Independant Forms.
4,523 下載
commandoes-activemodel 0.1.1
A plugin for Commandoes
4,522 下載
dxw-zendesk_apps_support 4.29.6
Support to help you develop Zendesk Apps.
4,508 下載
cvprac 1.0.1
Arista REST API Client for CloudVision Portal
4,392 下載
github-watching 0.0.2
Watching manager
4,367 下載
fog-hetznercloud 0.0.2
Fog provider gem to support the Hetzner Cloud.
4,352 下載
nx-douban-movie 0.1.4
Douban movie gem.
4,281 下載
tassadar-server 0.1.0
A web service interface to the tassadar Starcraft 2 replay parser
4,036 下載
dry_open_api 0.1.1
It provides a dried PORO of OpenAPI specification.
3,973 下載
nx-yaml 1.0.4
Nx yaml tools.
3,907 下載
fluent-plugin-openshift_metadata_input 0.1.1
Input plugin to collect Openshift metadata
3,850 下載