bundler 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bundler
ed25519 1.3.0
A Ruby binding to the Ed25519 elliptic curve public-key signature system described in R...
77,392,258 下載
paperclip 6.1.0
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
77,376,764 下載
redis-rails 5.0.2
Redis for Ruby on Rails
76,845,900 下載
cocoapods-trunk 1.6.0
Interact with trunk.cocoapods.org
75,758,862 下載
ruby_dep 1.5.0
Creates a version constraint of supported Rubies,suitable for a gemspec file
74,175,880 下載
cancancan 3.6.1
Simple authorization solution for Rails. All permissions are stored in a single location.
74,099,549 下載
spring-watcher-listen 2.1.0
Makes spring watch files using the listen gem.
71,689,610 下載
ruby-vips 2.2.3
ruby-vips is a binding for the libvips image processing library. It is fast and it...
70,671,925 下載
ruby-kafka 1.5.0
A client library for the Kafka distributed commit log.
70,258,614 下載
cocoapods-try 1.2.0
CocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod.
69,276,197 下載
fourflusher 2.3.1
A library for interacting with Xcode simulators.
68,954,047 下載
cocoapods-search 1.0.1
Search for pods.
68,396,719 下載
cocoapods-plugins 1.0.0
This CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins ...
67,090,754 下載
jsonpath 1.1.5
Ruby implementation of http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/.
67,063,775 下載
whenever 1.0.0
Clean ruby syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.
66,226,913 下載
mustache 1.1.1
Inspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views....
65,522,973 下載
mini_portile 0.6.2
Simplistic port-like solution for developers. It provides a standard and simplified way...
65,102,872 下載
elasticsearch-model 8.0.0
ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.
64,883,302 下載
wicked_pdf 2.8.2
Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
64,779,597 下載
paranoia 3.0.1
Paranoia is a re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6, and 7, using mu...
63,839,929 下載
icalendar 2.10.3
Implements the iCalendar specification (RFC-5545) in Ruby. This allows for the generat...
61,578,194 下載
proc_to_ast 0.2.0
Add #to_ast method to Proc. #to_ast converts Proc object to AST::Node.
58,602,635 下載
recursive-open-struct 2.0.0
RecursiveOpenStruct is a subclass of OpenStruct. It differs from OpenStruct in that it ...
57,066,235 下載
thrift 0.21.0
Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
56,683,467 下載
elasticsearch-rails 8.0.0
Ruby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.
56,587,312 下載
state_machines-activemodel 0.9.0
Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveModel
56,557,122 下載
lru_redux 1.1.0
An efficient implementation of an lru cache
56,470,317 下載
fluent-config-regexp-type 1.0.0
The compatibility monkey patch to use regexp type
56,457,236 下載
test-prof 1.4.4
Ruby applications tests profiling tools. Contains tools to analyze factories usage...
56,002,178 下載
fog-aliyun 0.4.0
As a FOG provider, fog-aliyun support aliyun OSS/ECS. It will support more aliyun servi...
55,768,855 下載