RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour byebug Latest version of the following gems require byebug

rails-patch-json-encode 0.2.0

A monkey patch to speed up Rails' JSON generation time.

8 387 346 Téléchargements

request_store-sidekiq 0.1.0

Provides a Sidekiq Server Middleware to clear out RequestStore after each job is proces...

8 268 527 Téléchargements

xcov 1.8.1

xcov is a friendly visualizer for Xcode's code coverage files

8 170 624 Téléchargements

sorbet-coerce 0.7.0

A type coercion lib works with Sorbet's static type checker and type definitions; raise...

7 406 483 Téléchargements

sorbet-rails 0.7.34

Set of tools to make Sorbet work with Rails seamlessly.

6 660 019 Téléchargements

mjml-rails 4.11.0

Render MJML + ERb template views in Rails

6 524 946 Téléchargements

capistrano-harrow 0.5.3

Hooks to allow people experiencing problems with Capistrano to register with a service ...

6 432 985 Téléchargements

kaminari-mongoid 1.0.2

kaminari-mongoid lets your Mongoid models be paginatable

6 127 614 Téléchargements

hashid-rails 1.4.1

This gem allows you to easily use [Hashids]( in your Rails...

5 997 247 Téléchargements

seed_dump 3.3.1

Dump (parts) of your database to db/seeds.rb to get a headstart creating a meaningful s...

5 910 430 Téléchargements

sorcery 0.17.0

Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...

5 071 983 Téléchargements

rpush 7.0.1

The push notification service for Ruby.

4 990 913 Téléchargements

active_decorator 1.4.1

A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails

4 439 371 Téléchargements

shortener 1.0.1

Shortener is a Rails Engine Gem that makes it easy to create and interpret shortened UR...

4 345 093 Téléchargements

berater 0.15.1

work...within limits

4 289 190 Téléchargements

next_rails 1.3.0

A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date

4 256 842 Téléchargements

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4 254 570 Téléchargements

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4 254 570 Téléchargements

meddleware 0.4.0

A middleware framework to make meddling easy.

4 193 896 Téléchargements

pg_party 1.7.0

Migrations and model helpers for creating and managing PostgreSQL 10 partitions

4 053 377 Téléchargements

licensed 4.4.0

Licensed automates extracting and validating the licenses of dependencies.

3 636 000 Téléchargements

rails-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.5

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3 514 108 Téléchargements

rubocop-changes 0.8.1

rubocop-changes will run rubocop on changed lines from forked point in your main branch...

3 283 053 Téléchargements

facebookbusiness 19.0.3

The official Facebook Business API SDK for Ruby.

3 128 413 Téléchargements

rufo 0.17.1

Fast and unobtrusive Ruby code formatter

2 700 924 Téléchargements

damerau-levenshtein 1.3.3

This gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...

2 504 796 Téléchargements

credit_card_validations 6.1.0

A ruby gem for validating credit card numbers

2 416 792 Téléchargements

gitlab-flowdock-git-hook 1.0.1

Git Post-Receive hook for Flowdock. Gem requirements patched for use with Gitlab.

2 212 406 Téléchargements

textacular 5.6.0

Textacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveR...

2 190 843 Téléchargements

shopify_app 22.2.1

This gem is used to get quickly started with the Shopify API

2 039 992 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 325 151 867

Pour cette version 168 464 438



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
