RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para carrierwave La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren carrierwave

importable 0.0.10

An engine for importing spreadsheets (or `ActiveResources`) into a Rails app, easily.

34.402 Descargas

pdf_cover 0.3.2

Provides processors for both Carrierwave and Paperclip to allow ...

33.530 Descargas

publify_core 10.0.2

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

33.375 Descargas

activemodel-datastore 0.8.0

Makes the google-cloud-datastore gem compliant with active_model conventions and compat...

32.422 Descargas


Part of MokshaCms, providing core functionality, including internationalization

31.854 Descargas

tomify 0.1.8

Provides support for paradigms commonly used in Tomify Applications

31.816 Descargas

loyal_core 0.0.11

Description of LoyalCore.

31.740 Descargas

loyal_core 0.0.11

Description of LoyalCore.

31.740 Descargas

resizing 0.8.2

Client and utilities for Resizing

31.500 Descargas

mongo_mapper_ext 0.2.7

Extensions for MongoMapper

31.390 Descargas

media_magick 0.4.1

MediaMagick aims to make dealing with multimedia resources a very easy task – like magic.

31.004 Descargas

card-mod-carrierwave 0.17.0

File and Image handling

30.821 Descargas

bizside 3.0.0

Bizside is an utilities to assist building web application.

30.581 Descargas

lol_auth 0.1.15

Add auth features

30.354 Descargas

bookkeeper 0.0.7

Bokkeeper is a Rails mountable engine with Twitter Bootstrap compatible markup.

29.935 Descargas

mm-carrierwave 0.0.2

Mongomapper ORM for Carrierwave

29.828 Descargas

rademade_admin 0.2.2

Best rails admin panel. Great mechanism for customization and rapid development

29.826 Descargas

carrierwave-sharefile 0.0.15

Carrierwave storage for sharefile.

29.524 Descargas

morrigan_editor_rails 0.0.13

Morrigan Editor for Ruby on Rails

29.518 Descargas

loyal_rails_kindeditor 0.0.9

rails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images ...

28.768 Descargas

sunrise-core 0.2.2

Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS

28.442 Descargas

vyapari 0.1.5

Comes with an admin interface to configure brands, multilevel categories & products

28.336 Descargas

georgia 0.8.0

This is simply the best CMS in town. User authentication, widgets, slideshows, easy UI ...

27.929 Descargas

mokio 2.0.8

Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...

27.552 Descargas

carrierwave-postgresql-table 1.1.0

Store CarrierWave files in PostgreSQL (supporting multiple versions per uploader).

27.145 Descargas

phrasing_plus 0.0.13

A mountable Phrasing adapter for editing images inline.

27.029 Descargas

ckeditor_wave 2.1.5

This gem integrates CKEditor 5 with CarrierWave to allow image upload.

26.619 Descargas

intesys_asset_manager 1.2.4

An engine to manage your assets. It allows you to create/view assets

26.576 Descargas

active_content 0.2.1

Generates base inheritable models Content, Taxonomy, Upload, Meta, Profile and Template.

26.067 Descargas

kms 1.2.1

Kms - Kandidate Master of Sports - Ruby on Rails CMS

25.828 Descargas

Total de descargas 98.100.801

Para esta versión 478.135



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
