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Dependencias inversas para carrierwave La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren carrierwave

report_card 0.0.5

Report Card mounts in your Rails app to allow your user to generate CSVs from a list of...

12.704 Descargas

carrierwave_ucloud 0.2.3


12.336 Descargas

gnuside-carrierwave-mongoid 0.6.9

This fork is made to be compatible with rails 4

11.781 Descargas

importr 0.0.4

Full Stack rails engine for xls import to activerecord, with process notification throu...

11.748 Descargas

minimum-viable-product 0.0.7

Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.

11.708 Descargas

revelry_content 1.0.0

A gem for handling editable sections of text and images.

11.559 Descargas

yogo-db 0.5.0

Restful interface to yogo data components

11.401 Descargas

cmsimple 0.2.3

A simple CMS based on the Mercury editor

11.256 Descargas

carrierwave-audio-waveform 1.0.6

CarrierWave Audio Waveform

11.232 Descargas

mastiff 0.1.4

Mastiff gem provides interface to an redis based model with Emails and attachments.

11.189 Descargas

lease 0.1.6

Lease templates and envelopes

11.171 Descargas

surveyor_gui 0.1.2

A Rails gem to supply a front-end and reporting capability to the Surveyor gem.

10.996 Descargas

dust-cms 0.0.07

Drop in Rails CMS : `bundle` and run `rake dust:init`

10.956 Descargas

likelion 0.3.0

멋쟁이 사자처럼 수업 때 사용된 코드들을 쉽게 생성해줍니다.

10.955 Descargas

HornsAndHooves-publify_core 10.5.0

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

10.881 Descargas

your_platform 1.0.1

Administrative and social network platform for closed user groups.

10.756 Descargas

image_compressor_for_carrierwave 1.0.8

A simple image compression gem

10.754 Descargas

blacksand 2.5.0

CMS base on Rails Engin.

10.631 Descargas

carrierwave-graphicsmagick 1.0.0

Convenience methods for using CarrierWave with the GraphicsMagick high performance CLI ...

10.508 Descargas

aspecta 0.0.2

image dimensions ActiveRecord validator for carrierwave gem

10.474 Descargas

dq_admin 0.4.3

Admin project

10.458 Descargas

blogr 0.0.8

A Rails engine for adding blogging to any Rails 4 application

10.446 Descargas

sinatra-videoman 0.0.3

Sinatra video manager

10.414 Descargas

carrierwave-scp-upload 0.3.1

Custom uploader for CarrierWave lib using SCP method

10.359 Descargas

rails_adserver 1.0.2

An adserver for rails

10.238 Descargas

carrierwave-cascade 1.0.2

A storage plugin for carrierwave that will retrieving files from a secondary storag...

10.116 Descargas

blogg 0.1.1

Design ready SEO optimized customizable blog engine for your rails application

10.049 Descargas

avatari 2.0.2

Add avatars to ActiveRecord models.

9.937 Descargas

activeadmin-cms 0.0.1

Converts ActiveAdmin into a simple CMS

9.884 Descargas

biovision 0.12.211128.0

Better version of biovision-base for rails 6.

9.858 Descargas

Total de descargas 98.471.322

Para esta versión 516.434



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
