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Dependencias inversas para carrierwave La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren carrierwave

oscillator 0.0.3

Shared CarrierWave and Validations and Configurations

9.874 Descargas

has_attachable 0.9.1

gem for managing async uploading to S3 and background processing with sidekiq

9.850 Descargas

bizarroids_settings 0.1.4

Bizarroids Settings provides basic user editable settings for Rails

9.844 Descargas

carrierwave-activerecord-store-in-model 0.10.1

Store file data in the database using ActiveRecord, but not in a seperate table, but in...

9.813 Descargas

image_optimizer_holder 1.1

A simple image optimizer

9.792 Descargas

miniblog 1.0.2

This mountable engine has the basic functionality to manage a very simple blog

9.744 Descargas

cadmus_files 0.2.0

Adds file uploading and linking to the Cadmus micro-CMS using Carrierwave

9.503 Descargas

carrierwave-google_drive 0.0.2

This gem provides a simple way to upload files from Rails application to Google Drive s...

9.472 Descargas

carrierwave-mimetype-magic 0.0.3

Real mime-types for carrierwave

9.470 Descargas

new_ckeditor 0.1.2


9.278 Descargas

carrierwave-picture 0.3.3

Converting images to webp and jp2 via imagemagic and add picture_tag to action view.

9.249 Descargas

jekyll-github-pages-gem 1.1.3

A gem that uses the github API to make edits with a jekyll blog

9.206 Descargas

buddies_avatar 0.0.2

Part of the 'buddies' gem that aims to bring some common social features to a rails sit...

9.144 Descargas

carrierwave-filepickerio 0.0.2

Upload files to your ruby web application using the client-side JS librar...

9.133 Descargas

intro 0.4.1

Intro brings your rails application to new feature introduction and step-by-step users ...

9.063 Descargas

carrierwave-webp 0.1.0

CarrierWave module for processing your uploads into WebP format

8.795 Descargas

carrierwave-vs 0.0.3

BitZesty VirusScanner support for carrierwave

8.694 Descargas


Core functionality for BarkerEST web apps.

8.568 Descargas

knowledge_base 0.2.0

Knowledge Base is a bunch of models for Ruby on Rails that you probably need to build y...

8.560 Descargas


Coalla CMS gem

8.410 Descargas

carrierwave-optimize-image 1.0.4

A Simple gem that use ffmpeg library to compress images in carrierwave gem.

8.257 Descargas

carrierwave-grandcloud 0.1.1

SNDA Cloud Storage support for Carrierwave

8.242 Descargas

carrierwave-unoconv 0.0.1

CarrierWave Additional processing to support LibreOffice via unoconv

8.207 Descargas

carrierwave-aliyun-oss 0.4.6

Aliyun OSS support for Carrierwave

8.202 Descargas

the_silver_spoon 0.0.2

This gem preps a new Rails app with some of the best Rails gems and Jquery sweetness av...

8.199 Descargas

peoplefinder 0.1.1

The peoplefinder provides searchable staff profiles for your organisation. Since it's a...

8.138 Descargas

carrierwave_retina 0.0.2

Automatically generates retina versions of your uploaded images

8.021 Descargas

hatchy 0.0.8.pre

Open-source crowdfunding platform

8.007 Descargas

activeadmin_slides 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7.955 Descargas

carrierwave-swift-swauth 0.1.1

A store for carrierwave that uses openstack swift. Authenication is assumed to be swauth.

7.885 Descargas

Total de descargas 104.454.468

Para esta versión 1.181.280

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
