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carrierwave 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 carrierwave


Description of BlueberryCMS.

25,873 下載

carrierwave_encrypter_decrypter 0.0.6

A library for encrypting and decrypting uploaded files. Supports Ruby OpenSSL::Cipher ...

25,777 下載

glebtv-carrierwave-mongoid 0.8.0

This fork makes GridFS optional

25,664 下載

carrierwave_accessors 0.0.2

carrierwave plugin to mount on postgresql json&hstore fields accessible through ar ...

25,432 下載


gem to use WYSIWYG editor for rails user

25,356 下載

carrierwave-cloudflare 0.5.0

Wrapper for cloudflare transforming images

24,174 下載

carrierwave_imagevoodoo 0.1.0

CarrierWave support for ImageVoodoo

23,934 下載

carrierwave-processor 1.1.2

Simple dsl cover for carrierwave distinct processing declaration

23,648 下載

lady_josephine 0.7.0

This plugin offers a rails engine for the bitcrowd sir trevor fork. With Image Upload a...

22,873 下載

tienda 2.1.3

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application. Bas...

22,666 下載

rails_wangeditor 0.2.0

rails_wangeditor will helps your rails app integrate with wangEditor, including images ...

21,784 下載

carrierwave-riak 0.1.4

Riak Storage support for CarrierWave

21,170 下載

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

20,813 下載

kkt_shoppe 2.0.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

20,776 下載

formbuilder-rb 0.2.4

This is a Rails Engine for

20,559 下載

refinerycms-photo-gallery 0.3.0

Open source Ruby on Rails photo gallery engine designed for integration with Refinery CMS.

20,135 下載

photos_manager 0.0.5

"Manage events & associated photos using uploadify and carrierwave."

19,605 下載

carrierwave-imagesorcery 0.0.5

CarrierWave Additional processing to support ImageSorcery

19,507 下載

go_gamification 0.0.20

go_gamification engine

19,185 下載

blobsterix_carrierwave 1.0.13

This gem is used to create a carrierwave binding to a blobsterix server

19,142 下載

spree_batch_capture 0.1.5

Adds batch processing to Spree. Includes batch capture and batch export of orders.

18,874 下載

c80_contest 0.1.9

Пришли чек и участвуй в розыгрыше 500 литров бензина

18,487 下載

archangel 0.4.0

Archangel is a Rails CMS

18,463 下載

expiring_asset_links 1.3.1

Handles storing and generating CarrierWave FOG expiring asset link stored in string and...

18,427 下載

simple_showcase_admin 0.0.7

SimpleShowcaseAdmin includes all the necessary logic to create a basic admin panel that...

18,416 下載

bizarroids_slider 0.1.5

Bizarroids Slider provides user managable collections of images.

18,200 下載

carrierwave-viewer 0.0.5

Carrierwave integration with GroupDocs service

17,972 下載

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,617 下載

upload-image 0.1.8

This gem hides the details for implementing an image upload view component with crop fu...

17,450 下載

amp_helper 0.1.3

AmpHelper provides extra view helpers.

17,402 下載

總下載次數 98,469,134

這個版本 516,065



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
