celluloid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 celluloid
what 0.4.1
What uses WEBrick to serve a JSON object representing the state of services running on ...
103,670 下載
krakow 0.4.2
NSQ ruby library
97,650 下載
build-buddy 1.16.4
A build buddy bot with GitHub and Slack integration.
96,360 下載
celluloid-benchmark 0.3.5
Celluloid Benchmark realistically load tests websites. Write expressive, concise load t...
95,884 下載
celluloid-zmq 0.17.2
Celluloid bindings to the ffi-rzmq library
95,559 下載
nucleon 0.2.16
A framework that provides a simple foundation for building Ruby applications that are: ...
91,269 下載
c3d 0.5.7
This gem is designed to assist in distribution mangement of content which is controlled...
88,704 下載
berkshelf-api 3.0.0
Berkshelf dependency API server
87,912 下載
msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0
This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP
84,570 下載
msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0
This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP
84,570 下載
cellect-server 3.0.2
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
83,997 下載
banter 2.2.3
Publish & subscribe to messages
78,430 下載
ridley-connectors 2.4.0
A Connector API for talking to nodes managed by Chef
69,379 下載
wisper-celluloid 0.0.1
Wisper async publishing using Celluloid
68,507 下載
creeper 2.0.2
Creeper is an evented version of Stalker
66,894 下載
airplayer 1.1.0
Command-line AirPlay video client for Apple TV
60,520 下載
rabbit-wq 2.3.0
A work queue built on RabbitMQ and Celluloid. See README for more details.
60,347 下載
parallizer 0.4.7
Execute your service layer in parallel.
58,848 下載
jamie 0.1.0.beta4
A Chef convergence integration test harness
58,341 下載
movieDB 1.0.1
Perform Data Analysis on IMDB Movies
54,089 下載
ringleader 1.1.8
TCP application host and proxy server
50,759 下載
emque-consuming 1.9.2
Microservices framework for Ruby
49,471 下載
baleen 0.2.5
Ballen allows you to run cucumber tests in parallel and isolated environment by using D...
49,389 下載
ducksboard_reporter 0.2.4
Report values to ducksboard
49,283 下載
gxapi_rails 0.1.0
Google Analytics and integration
46,566 下載
attache 3.0.0
Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app
45,850 下載
say_when 2.2.2
Scheduling system for programmatically defined and stored jobs.
44,515 下載
apple_shove 2.0.4
Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) provider. More powerful than a push...
44,509 下載
motherbrain 1.5.0
An orchestrator for Chef
42,606 下載
blinkenstein 0.2.4
Blink(1) Monitoring Thinggy
40,747 下載