RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para codecov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren codecov

have-i-been-pwned 1.2.0

A simple gem to check and see if a given password was compromised by a hack. Special th...

31.552 Descargas

omniauth-calendly 1.0.3

OmniAuth strategy for Calendly

31.182 Descargas

linearly 0.1.4

Linear workflow framework based on immutable state

30.673 Descargas

aws_runas 0.7.1

Run a command or shell under an assumed AWS IAM role

30.460 Descargas

csvp 0.2.0

Effortlessly print enumerables as CSV.

30.151 Descargas

racket-mvc 0.6.0

Racket is a small MVC framework built on top of rack.

29.414 Descargas

meld 1.1.0

Utility library for combining objects

29.302 Descargas

key_tree 0.8.0

Manage trees of keys

28.683 Descargas

string_in_file 1.0.2

Write string values to files and read file contents into strings.

28.458 Descargas

ruby-zstds 1.3.1

Ruby bindings for zstd library.

27.849 Descargas

credible 0.13.0

Provides token-based authentication for Rails API apps.

27.205 Descargas

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.6 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

27.075 Descargas

linodians 1.1.1

Library for viewing public Linode employee data

26.907 Descargas

piwigo-api 0.6.0

Piwigo is open source web application to manage your collection of photos, and other me...

26.467 Descargas

gcslock 1.0.2

Allows to use a Google Cloud Storage bucket as a distributed locking system

26.215 Descargas

fnv-hash 0.2.0

Provides a pure Ruby implementations of the FNV-1 and FNV-1a ...

26.055 Descargas

dco 1.0.1

A command line tool to help manage Developer Certificate of Origin projects.

25.981 Descargas

flame-r18n 2.3.1

Flame extension which provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is a ...

25.883 Descargas

svgplot 1.0.0

Ruby interface for creating SVG images

25.742 Descargas

yext-api 0.1.11

A straightforward simple interface with the Yext API v2.

25.531 Descargas

texqc 0.8.0

Run it after you compile your LaTeX document

24.320 Descargas

sensible_logging 0.4.8

Sensible logging defaults for your Sinatra app

24.129 Descargas

vagrant-vyos 1.1.10

VyOS Guest Support for Vagrant

23.903 Descargas

idy 1.2.0

An ID obfuscator for ActiveRecord.

23.746 Descargas

iban_bic 1.4.5

When IBAN validation is not enough

23.685 Descargas

fluent-plugin-sakuraio 0.2.1

fluentd plugin for

23.066 Descargas

cuckoo_filter 0.1.2

Cuckoo Filter implementation in Ruby

22.998 Descargas

ruby-lzws 1.4.3

Ruby bindings for lzws library (compatible with UNIX compress).

22.712 Descargas

microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby 1.0.2

Ruby gem for integration with Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook

22.413 Descargas

messages_dictionary 2.1.0

This gem allows you to store some text in a simple-key value format and fetch it whenev...

21.828 Descargas

Total de descargas 22.199.501

Para esta versión 2.252.449



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4, < 4
