RubyGems Navigation menu

codecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 codecov

query_string 1.0.1

It supports Hashes, Arrays, nested Hashes and Arrays of Hashes and all combinations the...

10,007 下載

moca_rlibs 0.0.9

A toolset for ruby and rails.

9,758 下載

reviewer 0.1.5

Provides a unified approach to managing automated code quality tools.

9,736 下載


This gem provides ruby library with Aho-Corasick substring search algorithm implement...

9,699 下載

lex-tasker 0.2.1

This LEX keeps track of tasks and their status

9,698 下載

extcite 0.4.0

Gets DOIS and generates citations for your papers

9,621 下載

calendlyr 0.7.5

Ruby bindings for Calendly API. Calendly APIs can be found here: https://calendly.stopl...

9,455 下載

mt-data_api-client 0.0.5

Movable Type Data API client for Ruby.

9,432 下載

double_decker 0.1.4

Redis bus for aggregating data from parallel processing in Ruby

9,366 下載

where_is_ISS 0.2.4

Gives the current location of ISS(International Space Station)

9,292 下載

nuffle 1.0.2

Nuffle, The Ruby Library, is a dice calculator library that provides the functionality ...

9,191 下載

prospectus_repotimer 0.0.5

Prospectus helpers for checking repo staleness

9,168 下載

nano_template 0.1.0

text template like erb that can be used with opal

9,121 下載

timedoctor 0.3.3

Client for TimeDoctor API

8,988 下載

qyu 1.1.0

Qyu makes use of a message queue and a state store to provide a reliable distributed ta...

8,822 下載

sana 0.0.4

Ukagaka SHIORI subsystem 'Sana'

8,792 下載

hithorizons 1

Horizonts api integration for get, search and search unstructured

8,789 下載

quotify 0.3.1

Generates random quotes. Perfect placeholder text.

8,731 下載

decolmor 1.3.0

Converter color spaces from/to: HEX/RGB/HSL/HSV/HSB/HSI/CMYK. The Alpha channel (transp...

8,717 下載

textbringer-presentation 0.1.3

Presentation mode for Textbringer.

8,593 下載

sequel-enum_values 1.2.1

Now your `Sequel::Model` classes has method for getting `pg_enum` values from DataBase ...

8,578 下載

envoku 0.3.0

Store environment variables securely on S3 away from your application

8,437 下載

okcomputer-checks 1.2.0

Collection health-check for okcomputer

8,419 下載

crossbar-http 0.1.3 HTTP Bridge Ruby Client

8,418 下載

twelvefactor 1.0.0

Core gem for 12-factor configuration setup.

8,409 下載

kitchen-kubernetes 1.0.0

A Kubernetes Driver for Test Kitchen

8,403 下載

afterpay 0.6.0

Provides Ruby SDK for AfterPay payment service provider.

8,269 下載

fastlane-plugin-mint 1.1.0

Run Mint with fastlane! Mint is a package manager that installs and runs Swift command ...

8,260 下載

chgk_rating 2.2.1

Opinionated Ruby client for the competitive What? Where? When? rating WebAPI (

7,926 下載

shopify_app_whitelist 2.0.0

Adds a feature to whitelist certain shops to access your shopify_app installation

7,793 下載

總下載次數 22,364,480

這個版本 2,360,659




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4, < 4
