RubyGems Navigation menu

codecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 codecov

volatility 0.2.1

The command line tool calculates the SCV metric for a Git repo

7,693 下載

youcanbookme 0.0.6.alpha

Client for accessing APIs

7,666 下載

auth0-verifier 0.4.0

Auth0 verifier for Auth0 JWT tokens for RS256

7,614 下載

sexy_slug 1.0.2

Build sexy slugs for your URL paths. A lightweight, opinionated alternative to StringEx...

7,589 下載

deep_health_check 0.0.4

Provides a health check API endpoint for rack apps

7,363 下載

limp 0.0.4

Read Slack tokens from Chrome LocalStorage

7,301 下載

gatecoin 0.3.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7,298 下載

kitchen-k8s 0.9.8

A Kubernetes Driver for Test Kitchen

7,246 下載

jekyll-fontello 0.1.4

Jekyll plugin that automatically downloads your webfont from Fontello.

7,179 下載

active_job_reporter 0.1.2

Minimalistic approach to ActiveJob monitoring, database based to avoid additional depen...

7,133 下載

arkecosystem-crypto 0.2.1

A simple Ruby Cryptography Implementation for the Ark Blockchain.

6,920 下載

shioruby 0.0.3

Ukagaka SHIORI Protocol Request Parser / Response Builder

6,904 下載

quoinex 0.2.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6,885 下載

police_state 0.6.0

Lightweight state machine for Active Record and Active Model.

6,674 下載

sana-mvcbase 0.0.3

Ukagaka SHIORI subsystem 'Sana' MVC Helper

6,617 下載

rplidar 0.1.5


6,567 下載

lurch 0.3.0

A client library for interacting with JSON API servers, based on ve...

6,521 下載

flame-pagination 0.3.0

Pagination for Flame application with Formalism forms.

6,463 下載

google_knowledge_graph 0.1.3

Ruby client for Google's Knowledge Graph

6,336 下載

mass_rename 1.1.0

Filter and rename multiple files in a directory or subdirectories with regular expressi...

6,324 下載

active_webhook 1.0.0

Simple, efficient, and extensible webhooks for Ruby, including: Rate Limits, Cryptograp...

6,312 下載

lex-pushover 0.1.3

Used to connect Legion to Pushover

6,200 下載

rails-action-authorization 1.1.2

Rails Action Authorization adds an authorization framework for controller actions. Rail...

6,197 下載

lex-sleepiq 0.2.0

Used to connect Legion to Sleep Number SleepIQ API

6,187 下載

porridge 0.3.1

`porridge` is a plain Ruby gem that takes a flexible, object-oriented approach to seria...

6,079 下載

bario 0.1.2

Redis based nested progress bars

6,048 下載

circular 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6,044 下載

session_rememberable 0.3.2

Quick concern for session variables

6,038 下載

makenew-ruby_gem 2.0.1

Ruby gem skeleton.

5,999 下載

rpc_client 0.0.3

RPC Core SDK for Ruby

5,981 下載

總下載次數 22,364,726

這個版本 2,360,787




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4, < 4
