RubyGems Navigation menu

codecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 codecov

letitcrash 0.1.2

Ruby client for LetItCrash

5,935 下載

formalism-sequel_transactions 0.4.0

Sequel transactions inside Formalism forms.

5,903 下載

apptuit-fluent-plugin 0.1.3

To find the fingerprints for errors

5,870 下載

draft_approve 0.3.0

All draft data is saved in a separate table, so no need to worry about existing cod...

5,860 下載

opie 1.1.0

Opie provides an API for building your application operations/transactions using the Ra...

5,795 下載

amenable 0.1.0

Flexibility when you need it.

5,762 下載

events-sdk-ruby 0.0.2

Hightouch Events SDK

5,696 下載

purr 0.1.2

Smuggle TCP connections through HTTP

5,603 下載

fastlane-plugin-clang_format 1.0.0

Format your C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf/C code with clang-format

5,551 下載

acts_as_tracked 1.0.2

Track activities in your ActiveRecord models.

5,548 下載

tobsch-krane 1.0.2

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

5,431 下載


Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).

5,334 下載

subparry_labyrinth_solver 1.1.0

This gem allows to find path to cheese in a labyrinth

5,316 下載

giphy_api_ruby 0.1.0

Minimalistic Ruby Wrapper for Giphy API

5,285 下載

cnblog_back_up_to_markdown 0.1.1


5,280 下載

rspec-matcher-num-times 0.1.0

Rspec matchers for dealing with include and match a given number of times

5,248 下載

ruddertest 0.0.3

The Rudder ruby analytics library

5,212 下載

textminer 0.1.5

Search Crossref's search API for full text content, and get full text content.

5,179 下載

wamp_rails 0.0.2

An implementation of The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP)

5,094 下載

tinderb 0.1.2

This ruby gem is API client of tinder written by ruby launguage

5,077 下載

graphite-api-middleware 1.1.1

Interact with Graphite's Carbon Daemon through this middleware

5,013 下載

zoom_slack 0.0.3

Automatically update your Slack status when you're in a Zoom meeting.

4,946 下載

nessana 0.3.0

A fast Nessus dump parser and differ.

4,935 下載

pure_validator 0.4.0

Object validation library

4,845 下載

shiolink 0.0.2

Ukagaka SHIOLINK inteface

4,792 下載


Allows the communication with cryptograpi api

4,791 下載

salesfly 1.0.1

Ruby client for Salesfly API

4,741 下載

botan 0.1.2

The Ruby interface for Botan.

4,690 下載

light-service-ext 0.1.11

Extends light-service with opinionated functionality

4,644 下載

graphql-pundit2 1

Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter

4,636 下載

總下載次數 22,364,912

這個版本 2,360,936




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4, < 4
