RubyGems Navigation menu

codecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 codecov

db_binary_search 1.1.1

An Active Support concern extending Active Record with the ability to binary search...

4,533 下載

embed_callbacks 1.0.0

Whenever you want to add a callback, you can easily incorporate the process.\n

4,521 下載

awsclean 1.1

CLI to clean up AWS AMIs and ECR images

4,514 下載

middleman-hatenastar 0.2.0

Embedding hatenastar into the your middleman website.

4,467 下載

rspec_knees_and_toes 0.1.3

Parallel Tests speeds up your test suite, but it makes it more complicated to diagnose ...

4,455 下載

logging_good 1.0.1

Making Rails Logging much more lucid 👊

4,324 下載

r_factor 1.1.0

A small CLI utility to factor integers

4,304 下載

hashcast 0.4.0

Declarative Hash Caster

4,223 下載

arkecosystem-client 1.0.0

A simple Ruby API client for the Ark Blockchain.

4,218 下載

grape-extra_validators 2.0.0

Extra validators for a Ruby Web API framework Grape.

4,215 下載

fluent-plugin-tcp-output 1.0.1

Output plugin to TCP Socket

4,200 下載

speculate 0.0.3

Tool for assuming roles in AWS accounts

4,181 下載

tea_core 0.0.2

Tea Core SDK for Ruby

4,175 下載

digget 0.1.1

Digget makes creating search endpoints easier. It allows you to put some validations on...

4,110 下載

toktok 0.2.0

Simplify JWT token encoding and decoding for Ruby. Use a configuration initializer to s...

4,105 下載

crema-api-ruby-client 0.1.1

Crema API Ruby Client Gem

4,074 下載

fastlane-plugin-xcodebuild_analyze 1.0.0

Run code analyzer using xcodebuild

4,056 下載

course 0.2.1

Course provides an API for building your application operations/transactions using the ...

4,042 下載

passkeys-rails 0.3.2

Devise is awesome, but we don't need all that UI/UX for PassKeys. This gem is to make i...

4,011 下載

resting_pug 0.1.1

Resting Pug allows you to create a JSON API with just adding one line to your controlle...

3,968 下載

jekyll-app-engine 0.1.0

Generator for Google App Engine Handlers.

3,901 下載

solidus_extension_dev_tools 0.1.1

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

3,896 下載

irasutoya-cli 0.2.0

CLI tool for irasutoya

3,892 下載

unabridged 0.0.1

Scraper for historical GitHub contribution data

3,758 下載

ruby_job 0.1.2

RubyJob is a framework for running jobs.

3,715 下載

wdi_runas 0.5.2

Run a command or shell under an assumed AWS IAM role

3,701 下載

gbifrb 0.2.0

Low Level Ruby Client for the GBIF API

3,685 下載

smarta_api_client 0.1.1

A combination basic client for the MARTA RESTful API and an enhanced, ...

3,659 下載

json_routes_webpack 0.1.1

COnvert Ruby on Rails routes to webpack js-route-loader format and export to a json file.

3,539 下載

wamp-worker 0.1.1

Web Application Messaging Protocol Client worker for Rails

3,484 下載

總下載次數 22,365,046

這個版本 2,361,034




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4, < 4
