RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

spree_zaez_tnt_mercurio 3.0.7

Implements diverse functions in order to enable the use of services from TNT Mercúrio i...

17.690 Descargas

flyover-contact 1.1.5

Easily add a contact page with working form to your Rails app.

17.660 Descargas

gallery 0.0.16

An easy gem to include a gallery to your site

17.490 Descargas

china_city 0.0.6

a gem to help you select chinese area like province, city and district

17.232 Descargas

spree_three_sixty_rotator 0.0.7

Spree extension to add threesixty rotator functionality to products

17.142 Descargas

obitum-rails_admin 0.0.5

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

17.067 Descargas

apiotics-test 0.1.66


16.988 Descargas

solidus_asset_variant_options 1.0.2

Spree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...

16.940 Descargas

as_user 0.0.4

the most basic features

16.715 Descargas

facebook_session 1.1.0

Rails plugin for simple Facebook session authentication

16.642 Descargas

chaskiq 0.0.6


16.634 Descargas

spree_counties 3.0.4

Add county model to address

16.615 Descargas

ecm_links 0.0.8.pre

Link management for active admin.

16.598 Descargas

chosen-awesome-rails 1.3.1

Chosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery, integrates with Rails...

16.527 Descargas

suri_modal 1.0.0

Simple and easy approach to modal views, popups and more.

16.526 Descargas

slim_breadcrumb 0.0.3

Slim out certain elements of a breadcrumb navigation and show these elements only if th...

16.397 Descargas

rails_admin_globalize 0.1.1

Rails Admin plugin to manage Globalize translations

16.342 Descargas

putsjs 0.2.0

Love Ruby's 'puts' syntax? Hate typing 'console.log' everytime you want to print someth...

16.318 Descargas

flms 0.9.0

A CMS for web pages that use interactive layers to present animated content.

16.259 Descargas

spree_terms_and_conditions 2.2.2

Add terms and conditions checkbox in delivery stage of checkout

16.191 Descargas

yg_spree_delivery_date 1.1.1

Adds a delivery date field in the delivery section of the checkout. Allows admin to vie...

16.145 Descargas

importable_attachments 0.0.18

Easier upload management for ActiveRecord

15.984 Descargas

test_track 0.0.4

TestTrack provides sane defaults for using Javascript test frameworks in the Rails 3.1 ...

15.867 Descargas

spree_my_favourites 2.2.7

Adds My Favourites tab to My Account section of the website

15.750 Descargas

scrivito_resourcebrowser 0.0.6

Scrivito Resource Browser

15.538 Descargas

idioma 0.2.0

Idioma is a gem for managing translations through an interface. Translations are saved ...

15.175 Descargas

ecm_translations2_backend 2.0.1

Provides a ITSF Backend based Backend for ECM Translations 2

15.132 Descargas

cloud-toaster 1.1.6

A tool for automated testing and debugging of automation scripts (e.g., Chef).

15.119 Descargas

slickgrid-rails 0.3.1

SlickGrid Integration for Rails 3.x

15.107 Descargas

bg_s3uploadable 0.1.1

Extension for direct and background S3 uploading to Paperclip

15.057 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.452.275

Para esta versión 37.583.119

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
