RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

amd 0.1.5

AMD allows you to load js code in async fashion and base on your controller action.

14.974 Descargas

cosme 0.4.1

Cosme is a simple solution to customize views of any template engine in your Ruby on Ra...

14.918 Descargas


Adds Billet as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

14.717 Descargas

spree_stock_email 0.0.6

Send an email when a product is in stock.

14.635 Descargas

spree_braintree_cse 2.1.2

Using CSE will enable your application to acheive PCI certification.

14.633 Descargas

common-dialogs 0.0.4

Provide non-blocking (asynchronous) alert, confirm and prompt for JavaScript applications

14.627 Descargas

ledge 0.2.4

A wysiwyg page editor allowing advanced layouts of pages, with a simple interface

14.592 Descargas

simple_form-datetimepicker 0.0.3

Date(time)picker for Simple Form

14.452 Descargas

spree_active_sale 2.0.0

Spree Active Sale makes it easy to handle flash sale/ daily deals behavior with in a sp...

14.411 Descargas

rubber_ring 1.0.0

Rubber Ring helps developers to quickly build new sites and customers to easily edit them.

14.315 Descargas

ajax_nested_form 0.0.3

Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using jQuery for Rail...

14.282 Descargas

auto_awesomplete 0.1.2

Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different awesomplete elements: stat...

14.230 Descargas

mongoid-direct-s3-upload 0.1.7

Rails and Mongoid simplest helpers possible to directly upload file to S3 without hitti...

14.174 Descargas

wagn-dev 0.0.5

support gem for developing Wagn mods

14.040 Descargas

spree_zaez_correios 3.0.5

Implements diverse functions in order to enable the use of services from Brazil's Corre...

14.026 Descargas

seven_gallery 0.0.6

"A Rails gallery engine. Includes creating multiple galleries and photos. Mult...

14.001 Descargas

foliage 0.2.5

Library providings helpers and .js to more easily handle Leaflet.js maps.

13.855 Descargas

rails_api_explorer 0.0.6

Provides a simple DSL to describe your JSON API, and let's you mount an interactive san...

13.822 Descargas

validation_sync 0.0.6

Reuse your Rails model validations on the client-side.

13.663 Descargas

mount_doc 1.0.0

Supporting Build APIs on Rails

13.618 Descargas

spree_pages 1.0.7

Simple static pages for spree

13.552 Descargas

api_docs_engine 0.1.3

API documentation engine for Rails 4 with Postgres and Bootstrap

13.551 Descargas

iscjs 0.1.4

JavaScript UI plugins we use in our projects.

13.310 Descargas

ultimate-helpers 0.2.2

Ultimate Helpers, Rails ActionView helpers ported to CoffeeScript

13.243 Descargas

pdf_maker 0.0.4

Turn your Rails actions/views into PDFs without a web browser

13.241 Descargas

form_slider 0.0.5

form_slider enables easy integration of jQuery UI Slider within Rails forms, by adding ...

13.228 Descargas

spree_custom_notifications 0.5

Display Custom notifications on Spree Store

13.200 Descargas

aspartame 0.1.2

See readme for instructions.

13.029 Descargas

chat 1.0.0

A simple rails chat gem that leverages ActionCable

12.930 Descargas

solidus_paybright 1.1.0

This extension provides the Paybright payment option for your Solidus storefront

12.919 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.454.312

Para esta versión 37.584.464

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
