RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

bitcharts 0.0.4

Solid chart framework to use Chart.js with Rails

11.139 Descargas

surveyor_gui 0.1.2

A Rails gem to supply a front-end and reporting capability to the Surveyor gem.

11.096 Descargas

spree_mercado_pago_payment_method 0.2.0

Integrates Mercado Pago with Spree

11.010 Descargas

bootstrap-application-wizard-rails-sass 13.3.7

The Bootstrap Application Wizard is a Bootstrap addon that allows multi-step forms to p...

10.857 Descargas

hyper_admin 0.4.0

An awesome admin solution for Rails

10.838 Descargas

expense_gun 1.0.3

Expense management module for Dorsale

10.803 Descargas

spree_recently_sold_products 0.4

This extension displays a list of recently sold products on the home ...

10.764 Descargas

skmz 1.0.1

Skmz is a Rails engine that shows the schemas.

10.761 Descargas

spree_paypal_api_checkout 0.1.5

Adds PayPal API Checkout as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

10.516 Descargas

ueditor.rails 0.0.5

UEditor integration for Rails 4.1.

10.509 Descargas

spree_order_reporting 0.0.3

Order reports by email for Spree v2.4

10.470 Descargas

fake-ajax-server 0.0.3

Fake your AJAX requests in your tests/specs.

10.424 Descargas

jasminecoffee 0.1.3

Full support for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline when bdd'ing your coffeescript or javascr...

10.321 Descargas

jquery-watcher 0.3.1

Allow initialization of javascript code regardless of document.ready, turbolinks or dom...

10.297 Descargas


Integrates jquery UI Nested Sortable Tree plugin into rails apps.

10.269 Descargas

darwinjs-rails 1.2

Javascript framework with progressive enhancement in mind.

10.249 Descargas

crusade_rails 0.8.2

Add push notification support via crusade to your rails rails application

10.226 Descargas

solidus_mailchimp_sync 1.0.0.beta05

Solidus -> Mailchimp Ecommerce synchronization

10.219 Descargas

i18n_dashboard 0.1.5

Rails Engine for I18n management with redis as backend.

10.210 Descargas

spree_channable 0.0.24

Connect your spree store to channable. Receive orders, generate product feeds and send ...

10.191 Descargas

smart_managing 0.0.4

Easy way to create a managing interface.

10.006 Descargas

morris-rails 0.4.9

morris.js for the Rails asset pipeline.

10.002 Descargas

effective_mergery 0.2.0

Deep merge any two Active Record objects.

9.993 Descargas

moneris_simulator 0.3.1

Simulator for Moneris Hosted Tokenization

9.958 Descargas

spree_mercado_pago 0.2.3

Integrates Mercado Pago with Spree

9.870 Descargas

spree_abandoned_cart_email 0.0.3

Abandoned cart email

9.834 Descargas

spree_zaez_clearsale 3.0.3

Add the ClearSale verification to Spree Commerce

9.811 Descargas

solidus_geocoding 0.0.2

Add geo-points to Spree::Address model.

9.760 Descargas


Boleto do Iugu como forma de pagamento no Spree Commerce

9.713 Descargas

spree_marketplace 3.1.4

By extending Spree Drop Ship to enable supplier payments Spree works as a Marketplace.

9.573 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.459.974

Para esta versión 37.588.000

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
