RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

forever_turbolinks 3.0.2

Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset P...

7.769 Descargas

solidus_avatax 1.1.0

Solidus extension to retrieve tax rates via Avalara's SOAP API.

7.755 Descargas

kylekthompson_shoppe 1.1.0

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

7.691 Descargas

requirejs-controllers 0.1.1

A collection of RequireJS controllers for Rails 3.x

7.682 Descargas

spree_paypal_rest 1.0.2

Adds PayPal Express as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

7.659 Descargas

cs-rails 0.0.4

Country and state selects for Rails, inspired by carmen-rails.

7.641 Descargas

spree_piwik 1.1.0

SpreePiwik ========== Adds piwik tracking with Ecommerce tracking Status ------ [![B...

7.563 Descargas

jqajax_core2 0.0.82

Designed to provide an easy, clean and flexible solution to keep Rails 3+ AJAX handling...

7.557 Descargas

chronopicker 0.0.2

bootstrap-datetimepicker converted to work with SASS as a gem for rails

7.551 Descargas

comfypress 0.1.4

ComfyPress is a powerful Multisite CMS Engine for Ruby on Rails 3 applications that can...

7.484 Descargas

spree_zaez_brazilian_fields 3.1.0

Add brazilian fields to Spree Commerce

7.428 Descargas

et_cms 0.0.2

Cms that uses devise, ckeditor, and the twitter bootstraps

7.399 Descargas

spree_shipping_postnl 2.0.1

This gem provides a basic shipping calculator for PostNL packages and letters to be sen...

7.298 Descargas

paypal_calculator 0.0.2

Rails javascript plugin for calculating PayPal fees

7.288 Descargas

spree_price 3.1.19

Flexible price for spree

7.212 Descargas

proclaimer 0.3.1

An easy, and extensible transactional event notification add on for Spree.

7.198 Descargas

spree_api_v2 0.2.2

Adds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.

7.157 Descargas

solidus_api_v2 0.2.2

Adds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.

7.147 Descargas

binnacle_chat 0.0.8

A Chat Widget for Rails powered by Binnacle.

7.140 Descargas

solidus_legacy_return_authorizations 1.0.2

Provides models and admin interfaces to interact with the LegacyReturnAuthorization mod...

7.083 Descargas

app_kit 0.0.2

AppKit provides a full framework for rapidly creating data driven application through a...

7.065 Descargas

spree_infinite_scroll 2.0.2

By default spree uses page based navigation for product listings. This gem replaces it...

7.063 Descargas

porthos 3.0.0.beta2

A CMS engine for Ruby On Rails projects using mongodb. Featuring customizable page type...

7.049 Descargas

email_name_textfield 0.0.2

Text area for pasting in multiple emails and validating by name and e-mail address

7.029 Descargas

bcms_spree 0.0.2

Spree e-commerce integration module for BrowserCMS. 2014 Rails Girls Summer of Code Pro...

7.013 Descargas

spree_shipstation 2.0.1

Integrates ShipStation API with Spree. Supports exporting shipments and importing track...

7.000 Descargas


The Forge CMS dependency gem for Ruby 2.0.

6.904 Descargas

selectize-ajax 0.1.10

Useful selectize form control with autocomplete, create and edit items by ajax.

6.894 Descargas

spree_multilingual_static_content 2.0.1

it uses the standard method like spree_i18n

6.887 Descargas

activeadmin-orac 1.0.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

6.871 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.475.199

Para esta versión 37.598.184

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
