RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

rails_js_helper 0.1.0

Add Rails asset helper and named_route helper for JavaScript

5.386 Descargas

blogit-admin 0.0.1

Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine

5.378 Descargas

more-responsive-less-ui 0.0.3

Simple and responsive web ui framework

5.376 Descargas

solidus_simple_weight_calculator 0.1.0

A Solidus shipping costs calculator based on total order weight

5.320 Descargas

zip_search 0.2.0

Search by zip code.

5.257 Descargas

lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.

5.249 Descargas

social-share-button-srules 0.1.1

Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban...

5.246 Descargas

shower 0.1.0

Create JSON streams for any action without locking up your database.

5.244 Descargas

doc_contract 0.2.0

This is a mountable rails engine to create nice and easy contracts based on pandoc (whi...

5.242 Descargas

damnson 0.1.1

This gem adds a customizable control panel with data controls, you can add / delete / c...

5.239 Descargas

spree_paysera 1.0.2

Paysera integration for Spree

5.208 Descargas

spree_summernote 3.0.1

Adds Summernote RTE to Spree 3.0.0 backend

5.190 Descargas

spree_br_common 3.0.1

This extension has goal to provide common aspects as cities, extras address information...

5.181 Descargas

spree_bronto 3.0.0

Integrate Bronto email server and cart recovery into Spree Ecommerce platform

5.162 Descargas

solidus_marketplace 0.1.0

Adds marketplace functionality to Solidus stores.

5.131 Descargas

active_admin_excel_upload 0.1.1

active_admin_excel_upload gem brings convention over configuration for your excel uploa...

5.102 Descargas

solidus_simple_sale_price 0.0.4

With this plugin its possible to have static sales per product

5.084 Descargas

spree_braintree_vzero 3.6.0

Official Braintree + PayPal for Spree Commerce

5.075 Descargas

bootstrap-application-wizard-rails 13.3.3

The Bootstrap Application Wizard is a Bootstrap addon that allows multi-step forms to p...

5.069 Descargas

rails_live 0.1.2

See in live what is happening on server in real-time. Track all activities.

5.049 Descargas

clwy_china_city 0.0.9

a gem to help you select chinese area like province, city and district

5.043 Descargas

tastes_bitter 0.0.2

JavaScript error notifications for Rails.

5.041 Descargas

bootstrap-confirm-rails 0.0.1

Applies a custom delete confirmation dialog for rails default data-confirm action.

5.040 Descargas

aspartame-refinery 0.1.2

All instances of main_app path changed to Refinery.

5.024 Descargas

forever-turbolinks 3.0.1

Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset P...

4.947 Descargas

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4.872 Descargas

spree_old_new_price 3.0.10

this is to show old and new price

4.836 Descargas

boss-cms 0.0.2

A CMS that sits on top of Citygate

4.825 Descargas

spree_one_page_checkout 1.0.0

One page checkout implementation for spree

4.814 Descargas

spree_custom_trackers 0.0.3.alpha

Add (optional) extension description here

4.812 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.493.332

Para esta versión 37.611.111

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
