RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para coffee-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren coffee-rails

solidus_reserved_stock 0.0.2

Allow stock to be reserved for a given user, so it can't be purchased by other users. W...

4.362 Descargas

spree_store_locator 2.2.1

Show your customer where do you sell easily

4.339 Descargas

cucumber_tree 0.0.1

Organize your features in a tree directory and don't waste your CPU time running the sa...

4.314 Descargas

spree_plugins 1.0.0

This enables storefront owners to add custom scripts to their site to include advanced ...

4.299 Descargas

spree_promotion_codes 3.1.0

Allow multiple codes for Spree Promotions

4.264 Descargas

solidus_oxxo_pay 1.1.0

This extension process payments using the Conekta Oxxo payment method

4.260 Descargas

google_analytics_rails 0.1.1

Google Analytics for Ruby on Rails

4.253 Descargas


Better search for Spree stores

4.242 Descargas

spree_abandoned_cart 0.3.3

Base 'abandoned cart functionality' for Spree E-commerce

4.234 Descargas

solidus_recommendations 0.0.2

Recommendations for Solidus using Elasticsearch significant terms aggregation

4.222 Descargas

pace-cis 0.0.5

Automatic page load progress bar

4.208 Descargas

spree_fosdick_integration 0.0.5

Integration Spree Commerce with Fosdick API (full service fulfillment services)

4.192 Descargas

spree_blog 2.3.4

A lightweight blog for Spree Stores

4.185 Descargas

upstream-rails_admin 1.0.2

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

4.180 Descargas

vkhater-social_stream-events 0.3.2

Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...

4.180 Descargas

solidus_conekta_card 1.0.1

Solidus extension for processing credit card payments using Conekta API

4.159 Descargas

spree_legacy_return_authorizations 2.4.0

Provides models and admin interfaces to interact with the LegacyReturnAuthorization mod...

4.157 Descargas

ng_will_paginate 0.3.1

Allows you to incorporate will_paginate into an Angular on Ruby on Rails app.

4.150 Descargas

leap_web_users 0.0.1

This this plugin for the leap platform provides user signup and login. It uses Secure R...

4.133 Descargas

solidus_favorite_products 2.1.1

This extension adds the following features: 1. Adds a link Mark as favorite on product ...

4.104 Descargas

brainsome_jasminerice 0.1.0

Full support for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline when bdd'ing your coffeescript or javascr...

4.093 Descargas


Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS and jquery-file-upload

4.074 Descargas

hyrax-iiif_av 0.2.0

Hyrax plugin for IIIF Presentation 3.0 audiovisual support

4.058 Descargas

solidus_product_bundle 1.0.1

Adds oportunity to make bundle of products to your Spree store

4.058 Descargas

taiwan_districts 0.1.2

Select builder for district of Taiwan cities.

4.057 Descargas

spree_order_recalculate 3.0.2

As spree doesn't update line items price when products price changes, this extension do...

4.056 Descargas

solidus_admin_insights 2.1.1

Add (optional) gem description here

4.041 Descargas

spree_variant_dropdown_options 3.0.4

See above. Why I need two of these is WAY beyond me.

4.036 Descargas

spree_amazon_like_dropdown 0.1.0

Provides dropdown taxonomies menu like Amazon's.

4.031 Descargas

spree_product_hover_zoom 1.0.3

A Spree extension that adds gallery view and zoom-on-hover functionality for product im...

4.006 Descargas

Total de descargas 206.502.410

Para esta versión 37.617.170

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
