RubyGems Navigation menu

colorize 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 colorize

origen 0.60.14

The Semiconductor Developer's Kit

404,714 下載

rspec_n 2.0.0

A ruby gem that runs RSpec N times.

386,261 下載

asciidoctor-jenkins-extensions 0.9.0

a collection of Asciidoctor extensions which enable more advanced formatting in Jenkins...

372,722 下載

kubernetes-deploy 0.31.1

Kubernetes deploy scripts

337,762 下載

wordmove 5.2.2

Wordmove deploys your WordPress websites at the speed of light.

322,845 下載

console_table 0.3.1

Allows developers to define tables with specifically-sized columns, which can then have...

320,572 下載

PlayRockPaperScissorsGame 2.9.1

A Ruby-programmed rock paper scissors game. Now you can play rock paper scissors o...

314,379 下載

pwn 0.5.151

305,381 下載

capistrano-measure 0.10.0

In order to improve something you have to measure it! This helps you measure performanc...

302,371 下載

active_mocker 2.6.2

Creates stub classes from any ActiveRecord model. By using stubs in your tests you don'...

301,245 下載

dust-deploy 0.16.6

when puppet and chef suck because you want to be in control and sprinkle just cannot do...

293,550 下載

bettercap 1.6.2

BetterCap is the state of the art, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framewo...

292,180 下載

zero-rails_openapi 2.2.0

Concise DSL for generating OpenAPI Specification 3 (OAS3) JSON documentation for Rails ...

278,214 下載

simplecov-summary 0.0.6

SimpleCov formatter that prints nice colored summary for your coverage straight into yo...

268,133 下載

gemwarrior 0.15.18

A fun text adventure in the form of a RubyGem!

263,226 下載

card 1.106.0

Cards are wiki-inspired data atoms.Card "Sharks" use links, nests, types, patterned nam...

257,982 下載

puma-status 1.6

Command-line tool for puma to display information about running request/process

248,080 下載

xlogin 0.16.10

login to any devices with ease.

246,667 下載

interactive-logger 0.1.3

A colorful, interactive logger for tracking progress of an operation.

239,943 下載

soaspec 0.3.11

Helps to create tests for 'SOAP' or 'REST' apis. Easily represent multiple requests wit...

238,835 下載

asciidoctor-revealjs 5.1.0

Converts AsciiDoc documents into HTML5 presentations designed to be executed by the rev...

237,216 下載

zillabyte-cli 0.9.51

The Official Zillabyte CLI Gem

233,726 下載

protractor-rails 0.0.19

Protractor rails makes it a bit easier to integrate and run angularjs' protractor e2e t...

231,987 下載

shell-spinner 1.0.4

Gem provides animated spinner for UNIX shell and could be used with rake tasks and any ...

229,854 下載

oliver 4.0.3

Local Git(Hub) made easy.

226,272 下載

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

223,779 下載

use_packs 0.0.21

UsePacks is a gem that helps in creating and maintaining packwerk packages.

220,660 下載

beautiful-log 0.2.2

beautiful-log provides a delightful means of displaying useful and beautiful log in Rub...

220,196 下載

rake_tasks 5.1.1

RakeTasks provides basic rake tasks for generating documentation, building and installi...

214,623 下載

flowcommerce_spree 0.0.22

Integration of popular Rails/Spree store framework with e-commerce Flow API

212,142 下載

總下載次數 126,401,462

這個版本 5,975,875



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
