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csv 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 csv

thecore_backend_commons 3.2.3

Wrapper to keep all the common libraries and setups needed by Thecore UI Backend(s).

37,900 下载

audio_addict 0.4.8

Command line for playlist management and voting for AudioAddict radio networks

35,749 下载

defmastership 1.0.19

Handling of references and definitions with asciidoctor

34,855 下载

activerecord_csv_importer 0.4.0

A modified version of CSV Import using activerecord-import

33,114 下载

decisive 0.8.5

DSL for rendering CSVs from an array of objects

32,571 下载

rggen-spreadsheet-loader 0.25.3

Spreadsheet loader for RgGen register map.

31,637 下载

itax_code 2.0.4

Encode and decode Italian tax code (Codice Fiscale)

30,214 下载

multiwoven-integrations 0.11.5

Multiwoven Integrations is a comprehensive Ruby gem designed to facilitate seamless con...

26,481 下载

dorian 2.6.3

a collection of gems

25,992 下载


An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease

25,619 下载

enum_csv 1.2.0

EnumCSV exposes a single method, csv, for easily creating CSV output/files from enumera...

24,046 下载

relaton-etsi 1.19.0

RelatonEtsi: retrieve ETSI Standards for bibliographic using the BibliographicItem model

23,165 下载

RedcapAPI 0.0.6

This gem is still under active development. Please contact me directly with any questi...

21,543 下载

youplot 0.4.6

A command line tool for Unicode Plotting

21,310 下载

yard-markdown 0.3.6

yard plugin to generate markdown documentation for gems

18,507 下载

meibo 0.27.1

Meibo is a ruby library for OneRoster CSV Binding Japan Profile.

18,422 下载

datamix 0.1.6

DSL for manipulating tabular data

17,677 下载


An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease

17,414 下载

secret_hub 0.2.2

Command line interface for managing GitHub secrets in bulk

15,931 下载

racknga 0.9.5

Racknga is a Rack middlewares that uses Rroonga features.

15,609 下载

csv_orm 0.2.7

Because I hate excel, I'd rather query my csv files like I would query a db

15,069 下载

trials 0.1.4

gem for testing out ideas quickly

14,158 下载

tls-map 3.0.0

CLI & library for mapping TLS cipher algorithm names: IANA, OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS;get in...

14,094 下载

fritzbox-smarthome 0.8.0

Client library to interface with Smarthome features of your FritzBox

13,571 下载

activemodel-csv_validator 0.5.0

CSV Validator for Active Model

13,082 下载

fcc 1.4.6

Searches the FCC's FM, AM, and TV databases

12,808 下载

ehpt 1.0.6

A command line tool to create Pivotal Tracker stories from CSV file

12,808 下载

spreadsheet_goodies 0.0.6

SpreadsheetGoodies is a collection of tools to help work with Excel and Google Drive sp...

11,461 下载

opencontrol-linter 0.1.5

Automatic Open Control schema checking tool. Aims to provide quick tests that ensur...

10,659 下载

openjournals-nameable 1.2.0

A library that provides parsing and output of person names, as well as Gender & Ethnici...

9,254 下载

下载总量 28,983,603

这个版本 13,616,731



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
