RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour database_cleaner Latest version of the following gems require database_cleaner

restpack_serializer 0.6.15

Model serialization, paging, side-loading and filtering

569 605 Téléchargements

istox 0.3.9

istox backend shared gem

564 627 Téléchargements

gutentag 2.6.2

A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord

563 840 Téléchargements

activeadmin-async_panel 0.3.0

Allows to define special attributes for ActiveAdmin panel to make it AJAX loadable and ...

545 896 Téléchargements

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

493 939 Téléchargements

json_translate 4.0.1

Rails I18n library for ActiveRecord model/data translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB dat...

463 401 Téléchargements

muck-engine 3.5.0

The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...

455 920 Téléchargements

daddy 0.9.8

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

445 892 Téléchargements

incrdecr_cached_counts 0.6.0

A replacement for Rails' counter caches using memcached increment & decrement operation...

439 793 Téléchargements

inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.1

Stats reporting for inst-jobs

437 222 Téléchargements

soft_deletion 1.9.0

Explicit soft deletion for ActiveRecord via deleted_at and default scope.

427 111 Téléchargements

saucy 0.16.1

Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...

420 092 Téléchargements

attachinary 1.3.1

Attachments handler for Rails that uses Cloudinary for storage.

405 621 Téléchargements

jit_preloader 3.0.0

The JitPreloader has the ability to send notifications when N+1 queries occur to help g...

405 121 Téléchargements

pg-eyeballs 1.3.0

pg-eyeballs is a ruby gem that gives you detailed information about how the SQL queries...

393 232 Téléchargements

active_record_bulk_insert 1.3.1

Exposes a bulk insert API to AR subclasses

392 840 Téléchargements

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

392 563 Téléchargements

govuk_content_models 47.0.0

Shared models for Panopticon and Publisher

389 330 Téléchargements

activerecord-mysql-unsigned 0.3.1

Add unsigned option to integer type for ActiveRecord's MySQL2 adapter

385 414 Téléchargements

sprig 0.3.1

Sprig is a library for managing interconnected, environment-specific seed data.

385 004 Téléchargements

smart_listing 1.2.3

Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.

382 417 Téléchargements

paperclip-ffmpeg 1.2.0

Process your attachments with FFMPEG

380 135 Téléchargements

coalescing_panda 5.2.2

Canvas LTI and OAUTH2 mountable engine

368 284 Téléchargements

arkaan 3.3.0

This gem holds the model layer for my table-top RPG games application.

363 926 Téléchargements

activerecord-hierarchical_query 1.4.5

Recursively traverse trees using a single SQL query

363 648 Téléchargements

zeus-parallel_tests 0.3.2

Integration for zeus and parallel_tests

358 245 Téléchargements

fastly-rails 0.8.0

Creates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...

352 586 Téléchargements

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

350 306 Téléchargements

simple_roles 0.0.12

Simple Role System for Rails Apps

344 635 Téléchargements

fast_inserter 2.0.0

Use raw SQL to insert database records in bulk. Supports uniqueness constraints, timest...

341 247 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 171 942 939

Pour cette version 9 062 703



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
