RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour database_cleaner Latest version of the following gems require database_cleaner

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

356 414 Téléchargements

ddr-models 3.0.8

Models used in the Duke Digital Repository

349 313 Téléchargements

auto_test 1.0

Automatic Testing Tool

340 048 Téléchargements

state_of_the_nation 2.0.1

State of the Nation makes modeling object history easy.

325 745 Téléchargements

user_impersonate2 0.12.0

Allow staff users to pretend to be your customers; to impersonate their account.

325 634 Téléchargements

second_level_cache 2.7.1

Write Through and Read Through caching library inspired by CacheMoney and cache_fu, sup...

322 880 Téléchargements

mobility-ransack 1.2.2

Search attributes translated by Mobility with Ransack.

318 980 Téléchargements

delayed_job_heartbeat_plugin 0.6.0

Delayed::Job plugin to unlock jobs from dead workers

315 849 Téléchargements

double_entry 2.0.1

Tools to build your double entry financial ledger

308 059 Téléchargements

ts-delayed-delta 2.1.0

Manage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx

306 710 Téléchargements

papercrop 0.3.0

An easy extension for Paperclip to crop your image uploads using jCrop

305 633 Téléchargements

active_storage-postgresql 0.3.1

PostgreSQL Adapter for Active Storage

298 813 Téléchargements

kuhsaft 2.6.3

Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.

296 445 Téléchargements

blacklight-access_controls 6.0.1

Access controls for blacklight-based applications

290 946 Téléchargements

cats_core 1.5.31

This rails engine represents the core module for CATS applications

285 049 Téléchargements

jsonapi_parameters 2.3.0

JsonApi::Parameters allows you to easily translate JSON:API compliant parameters to a s...

280 147 Téléchargements

cucumber-rails-training-wheels 1.0.0

Training Wheels for Cucumber-Rails

277 450 Téléchargements

devise-secure_password 2.1.0

Adds configurable password policy enforcement to devise.

272 261 Téléchargements

activerecord-postgres_pub_sub 3.2.0

Support for Postgres Notify/Listen

266 742 Téléchargements

jsonapi_compliable 0.11.34

Easily build APIs

265 589 Téléchargements

redirector 1.1.7

A Rails engine that adds a piece of middleware to the top of your middleware stack that...

264 479 Téléchargements

activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.0

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

263 024 Téléchargements

active_encode 1.2.3

This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...

259 683 Téléchargements

ajax_modal_rails 1.0.12

simple ajax-driven modals for rails. uses bootstrap 4

247 690 Téléchargements

async_request 1.0.0

Perform background jobs and ask for the result in a simple way.

240 933 Téléchargements

filterer 2.0.0

Filterer lets your users easily filter results from your ActiveRecord models.

240 343 Téléchargements

hyrax 5.0.4

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

237 498 Téléchargements

activerecord-reputation-system 3.0.1

ActiveRecord Reputation System gem allows rails apps to compute and publish reputation ...

231 209 Téléchargements

hoodoo 4.0.0

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

227 792 Téléchargements

active_admin_editor 1.1.0

Rich text editor for Active Admin using wysihtml5.

226 569 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 185 997 734

Pour cette version 1 654 167

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
