RubyGems Navigation menu

database_cleaner 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 database_cleaner

restforce-db 4.1.1

This gem provides two-way bindings between Salesforce records and records in an Act...

168,906 下载

spud_cms 1.0.2

Spud CMS is a full-featured light weight modular cms engine as a part of the spud suite...

168,653 下载

valkyrie 3.3.0

An ORM using the Data Mapper pattern, specifically built to solve Digital Repository us...

166,611 下载

curation_concerns 2.0.0

A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")

166,139 下载

mtdevise 16.1.0

MTDevise Rails 5.1 engine that adds multi-tenant basecamp style user logins (multi-tena...

163,196 下载

okuribito_rails 0.2.4

OkuribitoRails is an engine for Rails that aims to manage method call status. And you c...

160,025 下载

activesearch 0.3.2

ORM agnostic full text search

158,663 下载

mongoid_fulltext 0.8.2

Full-text search for the Mongoid ORM, using n-grams extracted from text.

155,142 下载

rostra 0.3.6

Don't use. Not production ready

155,002 下载

blueprints 1.0.1

Awesome replacement for factories and fixtures that focuses on being DRY and making dev...

154,198 下载

amistad 0.10.2

Extends your user model with friendships management methods

151,937 下载

think_feel_do_engine 3.22.9

Description of ThinkFeelDoEngine.

150,209 下载

sunrise-cms 1.1.1

Sunrise is a Open Source CMS

149,190 下载

bridge_cache 0.4.7

A mountable engine for bridge data storage, can either be used for di...

148,431 下载

culturecode_stagehand 1.1.10

Simplify the management of a sandbox database that can sync content to a production dat...

147,229 下载

deep_unrest 0.1.77

Update multiple or deeply nested JSONAPI resources

146,908 下载

catarse_moip 3.2.0

MoIP integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform

144,678 下载

canvas-jobs 0.11.0

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

142,510 下载

notifiable-rails 0.30.4

Notifiable engine for Rails.

142,366 下载

translation_center 2.0.2

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 3 apps. It builds a translat...

138,334 下载

faalis 2.2.1

Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...

138,274 下载

adherent 0.3.13

Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents

138,229 下载

spud_blog 1.0.2

Spud blogging/news and rss engine.

136,987 下载

delayed_job_groups_plugin 0.11.0

Aggregates Delayed::Job jobs into groups with group level management and lifecycle call...

135,900 下载

hangar 0.1.4

Exposes routes (in the test environment only!) that allow your frontend to factory obje...

134,295 下载

active_hash_relation 1.4.1

Simple gem that allows you to run multiple ActiveRecord::Relation using hash. Perfect f...

134,267 下载

simple_nested_set 0.1.9

simple_nested_set allows to easily handle nested sets in ActiveRecord

132,718 下载

active_record_survey 0.1.49

A data structure for adding survey capabilities using activerecord

131,161 下载

ts-resque-delta 2.1.0

Manage delta indexes via Resque for Thinking Sphinx

130,231 下载

ratchetio 0.7.1

Rails plugin to catch and send exceptions to

126,979 下载

下载总量 177,332,962

这个版本 11,718,624




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
