RubyGems Navigation menu

database_cleaner 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 database_cleaner

istox 0.3.9

istox backend shared gem

593,087 下載

activeadmin-async_panel 0.3.0

Allows to define special attributes for ActiveAdmin panel to make it AJAX loadable and ...

591,723 下載

restpack_serializer 0.6.15

Model serialization, paging, side-loading and filtering

579,063 下載

json_translate 4.0.1

Rails I18n library for ActiveRecord model/data translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB dat...

551,717 下載

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

524,733 下載

inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.2

Stats reporting for inst-jobs

485,721 下載

jit_preloader 3.1.0

The JitPreloader has the ability to send notifications when N+1 queries occur to help g...

482,653 下載

daddy 0.9.19

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

466,557 下載

muck-engine 3.5.0

The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javas...

466,323 下載

soft_deletion 1.12.0

Explicit soft deletion for ActiveRecord via deleted_at and default scope.

456,628 下載

active_record_bulk_insert 1.3.1

Exposes a bulk insert API to AR subclasses

446,158 下載

incrdecr_cached_counts 0.6.0

A replacement for Rails' counter caches using memcached increment & decrement operation...

444,825 下載

friendly_id-mobility 1.0.4

Translate your FriendlyId slugs with Mobility.

432,586 下載

saucy 0.16.1

Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...

430,961 下載

sprig 0.3.1

Sprig is a library for managing interconnected, environment-specific seed data.

424,445 下載

activerecord-hierarchical_query 1.4.5

Recursively traverse trees using a single SQL query

412,654 下載

attachinary 1.3.1

Attachments handler for Rails that uses Cloudinary for storage.

410,347 下載

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

406,322 下載

govuk_content_models 47.0.0

Shared models for Panopticon and Publisher

402,401 下載

activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0

Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...

400,455 下載

pg-eyeballs 1.3.0

pg-eyeballs is a ruby gem that gives you detailed information about how the SQL queries...

396,926 下載

smart_listing 1.2.3

Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.

393,467 下載

paperclip-ffmpeg 1.2.0

Process your attachments with FFMPEG

393,416 下載

activerecord-mysql-unsigned 0.3.1

Add unsigned option to integer type for ActiveRecord's MySQL2 adapter

390,928 下載

coalescing_panda 5.3.0

Canvas LTI and OAUTH2 mountable engine

382,566 下載

arkaan 3.3.0

This gem holds the model layer for my table-top RPG games application.

382,077 下載

fastly-rails 0.8.0

Creates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...

376,509 下載

zeus-parallel_tests 0.3.2

Integration for zeus and parallel_tests

371,818 下載

fast_inserter 2.0.0

Use raw SQL to insert database records in bulk. Supports uniqueness constraints, timest...

362,353 下載

simple_roles 0.0.12

Simple Role System for Rails Apps

358,987 下載

總下載次數 185,985,023

這個版本 1,649,502




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
