RubyGems Navigation menu

debug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 debug

mn-requirements 0.4.1

Requirements processing and rendering according to different models

98,608 下載

more_math 1.3.0

Library that provides more mathematical functions/algorithms than standard Ruby.

98,422 下載

infobar 0.8.1

This gem displays progress of computations and additional information to the terminal.

97,698 下載

minitest-debugger 1.1.0

This is a stupid simple example of how easy it is to make a minitest plugin that does s...

97,695 下載

metanorma-ribose 2.5.3

metanorma-ribose lets you write Ribose standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in ac...

96,522 下載

normalizy 1.7.0

Attribute normalizer for Rails.

93,213 下載

betterdocs 0.12.5

This library provides tools to generate API documention for a web site's REST-ful JSON ...

90,677 下載

arel-extensions 7.0.3

Adds support for missing SQL operators and functions to Arel

82,361 下載

metanorma-ieee 1.3.1

Metanorma for the ITU.

78,920 下載

tdiary-contrib 5.3.0

tDiary contributions package that includes plugins, styles, utilities, libraries, filte...

77,665 下載

metanorma-mpfa 0.9.2

metanorma-mpfa lets you write MPFA documents in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active...

72,858 下載

aixm 1.5.3

Build XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical ...

70,953 下載

aipp 2.3.0

Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...

59,560 下載

minitest-heat 1.2.0

Presents test results in a visual manner to guide you to where to look first.

58,313 下載

hackmac 1.8.0

This ruby gem provides some useful tools for working with a Hackintosh.

55,364 下載

mrsk 0.15.1

Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.

54,586 下載

ruby-llvm 19.1.0

Ruby-LLVM is a Ruby language binding to the LLVM compiler infrastructure library.

49,831 下載

lago-ruby-client 1.11.0

Lago Rest API client

49,631 下載

dependabot-devcontainers 0.278.0

Dependabot-Devcontainers provides support for managing dev container versioning via Dep...

44,091 下載

rgentpl 2.0.0

Ruby Skeleton Generator based in templates

43,721 下載

document_mapper 0.2.2

DocumentMapper is an object mapper for plain text documents. The documents look like th...

36,622 下載

fun_with_files 0.0.18

A more intuitive syntax for performing a variety of file actions. Examples: "/".fwf...

36,338 下載

action_network_rest 1.0.1

Ruby client for interacting with the ActionNetwork REST API

35,429 下載

nora_mark 0.3

Simple and customizable text markup language for EPUB/XHTML

34,780 下載

fat_table 0.9.5

FatTable is a gem that treats tables as a data type. It provides methods for constr...

34,432 下載

all_images 0.5.0

A script that runs a script in all of the configured docker images

34,014 下載

log_sense 2.2.1

Generate analytics in HTML, txt, and SQLite format for Rails and Apache/Nginx log files.

33,464 下載

quiet_quality 1.5.2

Allow your CI to notice and/or annotate new quality issues, despite the presences of ma...

33,222 下載

camunda-workflow 1.0.0

Integrate Camunda with Ruby via its REST api by expecting a Ruby class for each externa...

30,618 下載

code_manifest 1.8.0

A code manifest

30,006 下載

總下載次數 39,738,618

這個版本 8,027,779



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
