RubyGems Navigation menu

debug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 debug

timescaledb-rails 0.1.6

TimescaleDB Rails integration

3,310 下載

importo 3.0.17

Upload xls, xlsx and csv files and import the data in rails models.

3,087 下載

ductr 0.2.3

A data pipeline and ETL framework for ruby.

3,057 下載

codeword 0.1.1

A simple gem to more elegantly place a staging server or other in-progress application ...

2,934 下載

synclenote 0.1.2

A synchronization tool for GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) files and Evernote.

2,911 下載

write_once 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,726 下載

gemwork 0.5.3

Gemwork is an abstract framework used by pdobb's Ruby Gems.

2,724 下載

lavin 0.5.1

A framework for loadtesting sites.

2,697 下載

toy-ore 0.7.1

A toy library to get an understanding of how order revealing encryption works. This is ...

2,689 下載

safe_and_sound 0.3.0

A compact DSL to let you declare sum data types and define safe functions on them.

2,685 下載

podcast_index 0.4.0

Exposes the API through Ruby domain models.

2,551 下載

mongodb_meilisearch 2.2.0

Easily integrate Meilisearch into your MongoDB models.

2,519 下載

commit_format 0.2.1

Commit-format is a utility to make it easier generating Pull Request descriptions from ...

2,515 下載

vigiles 0.1.5

vigiles stand at the gates of your walled city and records all the in/outflows.

2,514 下載

reading 0.9.1

Parses a CSV reading log.

2,452 下載

metanorma-plateau 0.1.7

Metanorma standards authoring environment for MLIT Project PLATEAU. WARNING: Usage of ...

2,399 下載

enviroblyd 0.6.0

Envirobly instance daemon

2,376 下載

liquidum 1.2.1

Ready made set of tags, parsings and awesomeness

2,355 下載

yarn-audit-wrap 0.4.0

Script to parse and manage different levels of vulnerabilities from `yarn audit` in rai...

2,228 下載

token_checksum 0.3.0

A token generator with an identifiable prefix and a 32-bit checksum suffix.

2,221 下載

epub-translator 0.2.2

Tools to translate EPUB books

2,133 下載

intake 0.3.0

Powerful and extensible logging library

1,925 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,866 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,866 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,866 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,866 下載

commonmarkercomrak 0.23.7

A fast, safe, extensible parser for CommonMark. This wraps the comrak Rust crate.

1,850 下載

envirobly 0.7.0

Envirobly command line interface

1,845 下載

kamal-skiff 0.2.0

Deploy static sites using nginx + SSI with Kamal.

1,810 下載

script_ripper 0.2.1

Rip shell scripts out of instructional web pages

1,794 下載

總下載次數 39,768,106

這個版本 8,049,717



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
