RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-struct La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-struct

ehr_proxy-clients 0.1.8

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2.200 Descargas

tangany 0.0.5

Tangany is a German provider for custody of digital assets and crypto. See https://tang...

2.176 Descargas

boxenn 3.0.0

A ddd-oriented infrastructure for ruby/rails projects based on the dry-rb ecosystem.

2.129 Descargas

danger_boss 0.1.0

A client for the alertmanager v1 API.

2.078 Descargas

host_status 0.1.0

A generalized facade that aggregates metrics for a given host running a particular appl...

2.035 Descargas

tiny-gate 1.0.0

This is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.

1.982 Descargas

chronicle-core 0.3.2

Core libraries for Chronicle including models and schema definitions.

1.966 Descargas

nubank_client 0.1.0

This is an unofficial client for the undocumented Nubank API. Consider this to be very ...

1.957 Descargas

telegraph_rb 1.0.1

Ruby API client

1.931 Descargas

module_pos-fiscalization 0.1.0

API wrapper for Module Bank POS

1.775 Descargas

nextcloud-deck-api 0.0.2

Interact with the API of the Deck application for Nextcloud.

1.742 Descargas

cosing 0.3.2

COSING database

1.730 Descargas

test_hyrax 0.0.1.alpha

Hyrax is a featureful Hydra front-end based on the latest and greatest Hydra software c...

1.716 Descargas

roseflow-proxycurl 0.5.5

Proxycurl integration for Roseflow.

1.653 Descargas

musicz 0.0.1

A very basic wrapper around the nusicbrainz API

1.602 Descargas

carsensor 0.0.2.alpha.1

Ruby binding to Carsensor API(

1.544 Descargas

arcadedb 0.5.0

Provides access to ArcadeDB from ruby

1.533 Descargas

hextech 1.0.0

An easy to use ruby wrapper for Riot API endpoints for League, Valorant,Legends of Rune...

1.518 Descargas

foxtracker 0.1.0.pre1337

Foxtracker is a parser for tracker music formats. Right now it only supports XM (FastT...

1.509 Descargas

sbmt-kafka_producer 2.2.3

This gem is used for producing Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Waterdrop g...

1.468 Descargas

simple-redis-orm 0.1.3

Simple ORM backed with redis store

1.451 Descargas

grafana_annotations 0.1.1

Utilities for creating grafana annotations from your ruby application.

1.369 Descargas

ortfodb 1.6.1

Client library for working with ortfo/db databases. Generated from ortfo/db's JSON sche...

1.319 Descargas

dry_struct_generator 0.3.2

Generates a Dry::Struct object from Dry::Validation::Contract schemas to avoid repetiti...

1.310 Descargas

fountain-papi 1.1.0

Fountain's Partner API for integrations. See more details:

1.287 Descargas

similarweb_rapidapi 0.1.3

Integrating with the SimilarWeb API becomes fast and convenient, enabling Ruby programm...

1.286 Descargas

hanami-lambda 0.2.4

Hanami Lambda is a gem that provides a way to run hanami application on AWS Lambda.

1.271 Descargas

polygonio-ruby 0.3.0

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

1.125 Descargas

vident-typed 0.3.0

Vident with typed attributes

1.102 Descargas

konfiguracja 0.0.0

Configuration inspired by AnywayConfig but with DryStruct DSL

977 Descargas

Total de descargas 32.582.731

Para esta versión 5.312.670



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
