RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-struct La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-struct

verifykit 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for VerifyKit REST API. VerifyKit is a service that offers alternative ch...

898 Descargas

bitwarden-sdk-secrets 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for Bitwarden secrets manager SDK.

893 Descargas

roseflow 0.1.0

Roseflow is a library for effortlessly building interactions with AI

871 Descargas

roseflow-openai 0.2.0

OpenAI integration and models for Roseflow.

841 Descargas

drymm 0.2.1

Drymm maps entities from Dry::Logic & Dry::Types into structs for a serialization purpose.

828 Descargas

dry_object_mapper 0.1.2

Transform your ActiveRecord objects into Dry::Struct objects

826 Descargas

roseflow-openrouter 0.2.0

OpenRouter integration and support for Roseflow

795 Descargas

validatemail 1.0.0

Email validator that hits freemium providers one by one and returns normalized resp...

770 Descargas

deskbot 0.1.0

Ruby desktop automation

745 Descargas

mermaid 0.0.1

Generate Diagrams and Flowcharts with Mermaid

731 Descargas

mistral 0.3.0

A 1:1 Ruby port of the official Mistral Python client, with feature and API parity.

561 Descargas

api-response-presenter 0.0.2

Gem for presenting API responses from Faraday and RestClient.

535 Descargas

roseflow-pinecone 0.1.0

Pinecone vector database integration and support for Roseflow.

502 Descargas

sip2-ruby 0.1.1

A library and executables for parsing and encoding SIP2 messages (a standard for da...

478 Descargas

quarantini 0.1.0

A set of tools to remove tests from circulation

422 Descargas

trulia_rapidapi 0.1.0

RUBY gateway to harness real estate data from Trulia via RapidAPI, unlocking the potent...

418 Descargas

roseflow-stabilityai 0.1.0

StabilityAI integration and models for Roseflow

382 Descargas

postman_api 1.0.0

The Postman API enables you to programmatically access data stored in your Postman acco...

341 Descargas

inhouse-tailor 0.1.0

Tailor your utility based css styles into your components

336 Descargas

kickplan-sdk 0.1.0

Kickplan lets you monetize your SaaS app by providing billing, feature access and autho...

317 Descargas

determinator-context 0.1.11

Helpers to construct Determinator actors.

288 Descargas

sigt 0.0.1

Signature Types

240 Descargas

standard-procedure-plumbing 0.1.0

An event pipeline

211 Descargas

muraena-api 0.0.1.pre.alpha.1

The Muræna API

201 Descargas

share-data-watcher 0.2.1

Game Operation Data Watcher For IAS

194 Descargas

sbmt-strangler 0.9.1

Utility for strangler pattern

136 Descargas

ronin-app 0.1.0.rc1

ronin-app is a small web application that is meant to be ran locally by the user. It p...

117 Descargas

Total de descargas 32.604.402

Para esta versión 5.325.205



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
