RubyGems Navigation menu

dry-struct 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dry-struct

piper-rb 0.4.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7,778 下載

filecoin 0.4.1

Filecoin ( is a distributed storage network based on a blockchain ...

7,727 下載

dry-interface 1.0.4


7,633 下載

dry-facts 0.4.0

EventSourcing toolkit, based on dry-rb.

7,297 下載

polygonio 0.2.4

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

7,210 下載

paltrow 0.0.4

Write your web app in plain old Ruby then plug into any web framework

7,130 下載

k8s-ruby2 2.0.13

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

6,875 下載

gem_test_jaan 0.0.8

A simple hello world gem

6,848 下載

beeswaxapi 0.0.10

Simple ruby client to work with beeswax buzz api

6,422 下載

cortex 0.1.3

An API-driven multitenant identity, custom content distribution/management and reportin...

6,382 下載

gouv-calendar-compilator 1.0.4

Fetches and compiles school holidays and national days off gouvernement data into a JSO...

6,279 下載

payable-api 0.1.2

A simple API client for

6,002 下載

odorico 1.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,853 下載

broi-input 0.1.3

Destructures incoming user input onto dry struct

5,852 下載

datashake-ruby-sdk 1.3.0

An API wrapper for Datashake API

5,731 下載

tide-api 0.4.0

Client for Tide's bank RESTful API

5,654 下載

dry-doc 0.0.2

Dry::Structs with swagger

5,448 下載

lingutest_client 0.2.6 API ruby client

5,245 下載

ruby-api 1.0.3

ruby api framework

5,220 下載

hsbc_pdf_statement_parser 2.0.1

Quick and dirty RubyGem to parse HSBC’s statement PDFs

5,106 下載

dry_struct_parser 0.1.2

A parser which converts dry-struct schema into a readable hash for further manipulation

4,994 下載

spy_alley_application 0.3.2

Runs the Spy Alley Application

4,938 下載

dry-struct-rails 0.1.0

Rails reloading for `dry-struct`

4,894 下載

click_up-client 0.2.0

ClickUp API Client

4,764 下載

keycloak_rack 1.1.1

Rack middleware for validating authorization tokens from Keycloak

4,711 下載

njiuko-pwush 0.3.3

Pushwoosh remote API ruby toolkit

4,608 下載

operations 0.6.3

Operations framework

4,427 下載

light-service-ext 0.1.11

Extends light-service with opinionated functionality

4,279 下載

elo_brain 1.1.0

Simple elo calculation.

4,224 下載

vorx 0.1.1

Vorx let you manage multiple git repositories

4,146 下載

總下載次數 32,497,186

這個版本 5,264,465



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
