RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour dry-struct Latest version of the following gems require dry-struct

tangany 0.0.5

Tangany is a German provider for custody of digital assets and crypto. See https://tang...

2 171 Téléchargements

boxenn 3.0.0

A ddd-oriented infrastructure for ruby/rails projects based on the dry-rb ecosystem.

2 116 Téléchargements

danger_boss 0.1.0

A client for the alertmanager v1 API.

2 078 Téléchargements

host_status 0.1.0

A generalized facade that aggregates metrics for a given host running a particular appl...

2 035 Téléchargements

tiny-gate 1.0.0

This is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.

1 981 Téléchargements

chronicle-core 0.3.2

Core libraries for Chronicle including models and schema definitions.

1 966 Téléchargements

nubank_client 0.1.0

This is an unofficial client for the undocumented Nubank API. Consider this to be very ...

1 956 Téléchargements

telegraph_rb 1.0.1

Ruby API client

1 930 Téléchargements

module_pos-fiscalization 0.1.0

API wrapper for Module Bank POS

1 774 Téléchargements

nextcloud-deck-api 0.0.2

Interact with the API of the Deck application for Nextcloud.

1 741 Téléchargements

cosing 0.3.2

COSING database

1 730 Téléchargements

test_hyrax 0.0.1.alpha

Hyrax is a featureful Hydra front-end based on the latest and greatest Hydra software c...

1 715 Téléchargements

roseflow-proxycurl 0.5.5

Proxycurl integration for Roseflow.

1 649 Téléchargements

musicz 0.0.1

A very basic wrapper around the nusicbrainz API

1 601 Téléchargements

carsensor 0.0.2.alpha.1

Ruby binding to Carsensor API(

1 544 Téléchargements

arcadedb 0.5.0

Provides access to ArcadeDB from ruby

1 533 Téléchargements

hextech 1.0.0

An easy to use ruby wrapper for Riot API endpoints for League, Valorant,Legends of Rune...

1 518 Téléchargements

foxtracker 0.1.0.pre1337

Foxtracker is a parser for tracker music formats. Right now it only supports XM (FastT...

1 509 Téléchargements

sbmt-kafka_producer 2.2.3

This gem is used for producing Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Waterdrop g...

1 460 Téléchargements

simple-redis-orm 0.1.3

Simple ORM backed with redis store

1 447 Téléchargements

grafana_annotations 0.1.1

Utilities for creating grafana annotations from your ruby application.

1 369 Téléchargements

ortfodb 1.6.1

Client library for working with ortfo/db databases. Generated from ortfo/db's JSON sche...

1 312 Téléchargements

dry_struct_generator 0.3.2

Generates a Dry::Struct object from Dry::Validation::Contract schemas to avoid repetiti...

1 310 Téléchargements

fountain-papi 1.1.0

Fountain's Partner API for integrations. See more details:

1 287 Téléchargements

similarweb_rapidapi 0.1.3

Integrating with the SimilarWeb API becomes fast and convenient, enabling Ruby programm...

1 282 Téléchargements

hanami-lambda 0.2.4

Hanami Lambda is a gem that provides a way to run hanami application on AWS Lambda.

1 271 Téléchargements

polygonio-ruby 0.3.0

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

1 122 Téléchargements

vident-typed 0.3.0

Vident with typed attributes

1 099 Téléchargements

konfiguracja 0.0.0

Configuration inspired by AnywayConfig but with DryStruct DSL

977 Téléchargements

verifykit 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for VerifyKit REST API. VerifyKit is a service that offers alternative ch...

893 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 32 558 835

Pour cette version 5 301 059



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0
