RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para em-websocket La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren em-websocket

meshchat 0.12.1

Meshchat core implementation written in ruby.

51.985 Descargas

domotics-core 0.2.8

Main core elements

51.740 Descargas

caldecott 0.0.5

Caldecott HTTP/Websocket Tunneling Library

51.673 Descargas

hyla 1.0.9

Asciidoctor Hyla - Command Line tool to create new project, watch modifications, genera...

51.035 Descargas

slinky 0.8.3

A static file server for rich web apps that automatically compiles SASS, HAML, CoffeeSc...

50.642 Descargas

webrtc-rails 0.3.14

webrtc-rails is a gem for easy to create video chat app.

45.631 Descargas


eventmachine based networked daemon framework

42.644 Descargas

fingerpoken 0.3.1

fingerpoken - turns your ipad/itouch/iphone into a remote touchpad, keyboard, etc

42.534 Descargas

rspec-web 0.1.13

A web front-end for RSpec tests.

39.863 Descargas

irix 2.6.0

Irix is implementing several crypto-exchange for Arke and Peatio.

38.851 Descargas

textmate_fcsh 0.8.0

Compile Flex in Textmate using FCSH. Advanced error reporting.

34.155 Descargas

red-glass 0.1.5

Red Glass works alongside Selenium to observe browser events, and provides an interacti...

33.986 Descargas

orator 0.7.2

An implementation of an evented websocket system for rails.

33.698 Descargas

gina-conveyor 1.0.1

Conveyor is used for shuffling data around

32.836 Descargas

farcall 0.4.6

Simple and effective cross-platform RPC protocol. Can work with any transport capable t...

32.081 Descargas

puggernaut 0.2.3

Simple server push implementation using eventmachine and long polling

31.435 Descargas

shenmegui 0.4

a simple HTML GUI for Ruby

28.576 Descargas

web-repl 0.10.2

Javascript/Web REPL in Ruby

27.938 Descargas

em-breakout 0.0.9

Breakout routes messages among web browsers and workers using WebSockets.

26.282 Descargas

conch 0.0.9

shell in the browser

25.522 Descargas

mado 0.2.1

Realtime Github Flavored Markdown Preview with WebSocket

23.616 Descargas

hara 0.4.0

Hara is a websocket based application framework.

23.478 Descargas

eventd 1.0.6

Eventd provides a clear and comprehensive structure to add evented functionality to any...

21.588 Descargas

fluent-plugin-websocket 0.1.8

Fluentd websocket output plugin which can output JSON string or MessagePack binary to t...

21.490 Descargas

ws_sync_client 0.1.2

WebSocket client that does not require asynchronous programming

21.007 Descargas

web_socket_chat_server 0.0.9

For more details, please read the documentation at

20.812 Descargas

fargo 0.4.0

Direct Connect (DC) Client implemented in pure Ruby

20.281 Descargas

ipcam 0.4.2

Sample application for "V4L2 for Ruby".

20.258 Descargas


Websocket uploader with progressbar.

20.165 Descargas

real_time_rails 0.0.73

A gem to enable seamless websocket integration with rails.

19.498 Descargas

Total de descargas 44.360.048

Para esta versión 11.775.825



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
