RubyGems Navigation menu

escape 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 escape

outoftime-shell_elf 0.9.1

Daemon which executes shell commands read out of a Starling queue and optionally posts ...

5,684 下载

maillinks 0.1.5

Marks in an email HTMl-links and creates a list of all links at the bottom of the mail-...

5,682 下载

pallan-sunspot_rails 0.9.12

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

5,604 下载

ssoroka-sunspot_rails 0.10.6

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

5,585 下载

data_miner-ruby19 0.5.4

Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and c...

5,180 下载

inception 0.1.0

Create an inception server for Bosh & general inception of new universes

5,091 下载

erichummel-sunspot_solr 2.0.0.pre.111215d

Sunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...

4,793 下载

nxa-sunspot_rails 0.11.3

Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails a...

4,583 下载

rugem 0.0.1

rugem is a wrapper of ruby command that can use gem library with -r option

4,537 下载


The wrapper utility for texvc command

4,480 下载

gitconfig 0.0.1

Keep your local configuration in git's config

4,437 下载

remote_table-ruby19 0.2.30

Remotely open and parse Excel XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width tables.

4,429 下载

cocoapods-square-stable 0.19.3

Fix copy resources script for iOS < 6 & Fix UTF-8 on install for Ruby 1.9.3

4,351 下载

itunes-controller 0.1.0

A application to control enable iTunes to be operated on a headless server without the ...

4,227 下载

mfe 1.1

A program which remembers and executes brief scripts.

4,060 下载

swf-pipes 0.3.9

Various classes for dealing with system type pipes in linux

3,928 下载

benjaminkrause-sunspot_rails 0.10.5

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

3,906 下载

bsy-sunspot_rails 0.10.4

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

3,825 下载

etree 0.2.0

Scripts for converting flac files posted to to MP3

3,799 下载

crazy-yard 3.2.2

This gem allows you to deploy your rails application to the Engine Yard cloud directly ...

3,771 下载

rere 0.0.1

Bundles solr in a gem

3,591 下载

kristopher-sunspot_rails 0.10.6

Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library

3,423 下载

xcocoapods 1.5.3

CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...

2,573 下载

下载总量 61,485,957

这个版本 61,474,995


需要的 Ruby 版本: > 0.0.0
