RubyGems Navigation menu

factory_bot 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 factory_bot

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

174,372 下载

praxis-mapper 4.5

A multi-datastore library designed for efficiency in loading large datasets.

174,053 下载

allscripts_unity_client 5.1.3

Provides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at health...

169,429 下载

gruf-commander 1.2.0

Command/request syntax helper for gruf

150,425 下载

activerecord-turntable 4.4.1

ActiveRecord sharding extension

147,326 下载

bootstrap_leather 0.10.13

BootstrapLeather is a collection of view helpers and scaffold generators that makes it ...

142,344 下载


A library for interacting with REST APIs. Similar to ActiveResource

135,257 下载

idnow 2.4.1

Library to consume the IDnow API in Ruby,

121,658 下载

onesignal-ruby 0.6.0

Ruby wrapper to OneSignal API, mapping to Plain Old Ruby Objects

118,876 下载

solidus_dev_support 2.9.0

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

114,856 下载

bitex_bot 0.9.2

Both a trading robot and a library to build trading robots. The bitex-bot lets you buy ...

113,548 下载

baza_models 0.0.15

ActiveRecord like models for the Baza database framework

112,490 下载

spree_dev_tools 0.2.3

Spree Developer Tools

109,451 下载


Gema para obtener cotización de dolar divisa y dolar billete, obtener variaciones respe...

98,716 下载

redpear 1.3.0

Simple, elegant & efficient ORM for Redis

96,839 下载

ledger_sync 2.6.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

93,781 下载

leap_salesforce 1.2.2

This gem helps ones to perform integration tests on Salesforce. It reads the Metadata f...

93,101 下载

alchemy-solidus 7.3.1

A AlchemyCMS and Solidus integration

85,752 下载


A safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models

81,548 下载

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

80,974 下载

mailchimp_api 1.9.0

Consume Mailchimp's API using ActiveResource

77,650 下载

fitgem_oauth2 3.0.0

This gem allows requesting data from Fitbit API using OAuth2

76,226 下载

releaf 3.1.0

Administration interface for Ruby on Rails

75,371 下载

to_factory 2.1.0

Autogenerate and append/create factory_girl definitions from the console

75,246 下载

autocomplete_rails 0.4.1

Easily use jQuery UI's autocomplete widget with Rails applications.

74,938 下载

webhook_system 2.4.1

A pluggable webhook subscription system

72,973 下载

ig_markets 0.35

Library and command-line client for accessing the IG Markets dealing platform.

71,400 下载

hubspot-api-ruby 0.16.0

hubspot-api-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

71,013 下载

activeset 0.8.6

Easily filter, sort, and paginate enumerable sets.

68,475 下载

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


67,896 下载

下载总量 218,356,115

这个版本 3,072,313



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.0
